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Joined: 15 Jul 2003
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Posted: 15 Jul 2003 Topic: Adders in Yorkshire

Hi everyone

Just registered tonight...after finding the site through Google. Was initially looking for info on North American Bullfrogs ,(which I may have come across), but the word 'Adder' distracted me. Will post pics of 'suspect' bullfrogs on relative forum.

I have had a lot of success this year in photographing Adders. Found a spot local to me, Allerthorpe Common, Pocklington, East Yorks, which is a favorite dog-walking area (14 dogs bitten last year). Back in March came across 7 Male Adders in one area. This has been the only occaision that I have seen the males. I have now only ever seen female Adders...varying in colours from chocolate brown to black.

Last week, paid another visit, and in the first 10 minutes counted 11 female Adders, 3 of which were hatchlings. Largest adult seen was approx 20 - 22 inches.

It has taken me 3 years to find a site like this!!

Just thought you would like to know!


Posted a couple of pics of the adders (both male) onto my website.

Photo and Digital Imaging
Joined: 15 Jul 2003
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Posted: 16 Jul 2003 Topic: Adders in Yorkshire

Hi Matt

Just finished completing a map to show you how to get to the area. Will email it to you later (hope file size is small enough!!)

Yes, I have also noted common lizards in the same area as the adders as well as one slow-worm.

Not too sure if this is the normal characterisitic behaviour of adders, but I only seem to find them in pockets in the bracken. Currently approx quarter-mile between two sites.

Apparently, according to other people, Dalby Forest (West of Scarborough) is supposed to have a few adders, but I have been on a few occaisions and haven't seen anything!

Hope you can read my directions ok...when I eventually send them.


Photo and Digital Imaging
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Posted: 16 Jul 2003 Topic: Adder last!


Back again to try and add a pic...

Success at last!!!

Male Adder taken back in March


Photo and Digital Imaging
Joined: 15 Jul 2003
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Posted: 18 Jul 2003 Topic: Adders in Yorkshire

Hi Tony

Thanks for your input and advice. Carried out a flying visit to the site at dinnertime today and spotted six. One was definitely gravid. Also beginning to identify same snakes with same rodent holes that they seem to be using. Do they tend to stay in the same burrow/hole? Or do they go visiting their neighbours??


Photo and Digital Imaging
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Posted: 15 Aug 2003 Topic: Adders in Yorkshire

Hi Alix

I have sorted out some dirctions for you (in jpeg format). If you wish to email me direct ( then I shall post them on to you.


Photo and Digital Imaging
Joined: 15 Jul 2003
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Posted: 09 Mar 2004 Topic: Early sightings

Saw first adder of the year today. Small male, very lethargic (not suprising), tightly coiled. Within three feet of him was a Slow Worm, also in a tight coil. Been popping into my site for the past three weeks off and on, but today was the first successful sighting. Hoping to see the males 'dancing' presumably sometime soon.

Photo and Digital Imaging
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Posted: 14 Mar 2004 Topic: "Blue" adders

Hi Tony/Wolfgang

What are the approx temperatures that you are seeing these snakes in? The ones at the site at Allerthorpe seem to be very reluctant to show themselves (with the odd exception), or is Yorkshire getting the colder weather??


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Posted: 14 Mar 2004 Topic: "Blue" adders

Hi Tony

Thanks for the info. The area at Allerthorpe is also extremely popular with dog-walkers, so that may possibly be another reason. (At weekends the place is inundated, so I try to make my visits during the week.)



Photo and Digital Imaging
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Posted: 21 Apr 2004 Topic: European Lizards

Just got back from France. Thought I would post a couple of pics. Went to the central region of France (Limoges), but couldn't find any snakes!! Anyway, found a couple of lizards lurking around though...

Green Lizard...notice Tick just below nasal passage.

Male Wall Lizard

Now, is this a female Wall Lizard or Common Lizard? Not too sure myself. Male was trying to mate with this one, suggesting that it is a Wall Lizard. Would they try to mate with another species?


Photo and Digital Imaging
Joined: 15 Jul 2003
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Posted: 21 Apr 2004 Topic: Good Adder Day

Hi Everyone

Thought I would join the bandwagon and post a few of todays pics from my site. Forestry Commission has, in their wisdom(??), decided to fell a large number of trees 'to promote heathland and encourage biodiversity'. Try telling the tree-fellers...came across three dead Adders. Didn't see the usual number at my location (suprise suprise).

On a more positive note, I came across my first male of the year, recently sloughed, and also a female, who was coiled in front of her skin. Couple of pics below...

Very skittish and shot off just after this pic

The skin was still damp...tried getting it out in one piece, but it was tangled in the brambles.

From a couple of days ago.

Speaking to a few people, there seems to be a general consensus that the Adder population seems to have dwindled. A number of snakes have been found dead (not by accident...skulls found crushed). Beginning to wonder whether a sign up warning people would be a good idea or would it backfire?

By the way, Alan, great close-ups of the head. You have trained your snakes well!!


Photo and Digital Imaging
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Posted: 24 Apr 2004 Topic: Good Adder Day

Hi Geoff

Excellent head shot.

Curiousity has got the better of me...was it digital or film? What lens did you use?



Photo and Digital Imaging
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Posted: 12 Jun 2005 Topic: Can anyone ID this?


Took a couple of pics of this snake whilst in Central France last week (Limoges area). Can anyone tell me what it is? Have looked in all my books but cannot identify it.


The above pic was taken when it was in a crack in the stonework of the wall of the cottage (it seemed to spend a lot of time in all the cracks and holes of the stonework - there were a lot of lizards around though!)


It came out of a hole (eventually) and I caught it and put it into a small cardboard box to take a better pic for identification purposes. Placed it back in the same place afterwards. Noticed it was a very timid snake, not aggressive at all. Size approx 12 -14 inches.



Photo and Digital Imaging
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Posted: 13 Jun 2005 Topic: Can anyone ID this?

Thanks Lee

For some reason I had discounted smooth snake as I had not expected to come across any in the saying goes...never presume, always check!!

So now I have photographed all three British species of snake...ok so one of them has French blood, a minor detail!!!



Photo and Digital Imaging
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Posted: 16 Mar 2008 Topic: Spanish Smooth Snake?

My parents drove into the Mountains in Southern Spain and my Mum almost
stepped on this snake. Apparently it appeared dead, but wriggled slightly
when my Dad moved it with his foot (he had trainers on...not his usual
sandals!!). I think it is a Smooth Snake going by the shape of the head and
markings. What do you think?


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Posted: 16 Mar 2008 Topic: Spanish Smooth Snake?

Hi Dan

Thanks for the prompt reply and info. Actually came across a Viperine Snake
about 20 years ago, but couldn't remember what it looked fact it
never even entered my mind!! Will pass the info on to my parents as I am
sure they would want to know what they nearly stepped on!


Photo and Digital Imaging
Joined: 15 Jul 2003
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Posted: 17 Mar 2008 Topic: Spanish Smooth Snake?

I taught him well...he!he!

Photo and Digital Imaging

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