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Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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Posted: 19 Feb 2007 Topic: frogs spawning

Dorchester. Frogs spawned successfully in my very small garden pond (an old butler sink) rather than in the larger pond next door to it on 14 Feb 2007.  Frogs clasping in larger pond but still unproductive!  Why the smaller one, I wonder.  More cosy, warmer perhaps?  wyevilla39132.4169675926

All the best

Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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Posted: 19 Feb 2007 Topic: Recording form

Hi.  I'm a new member of this forum which I am already finding really informative.

One question: I have already used the recording form but couldn't go beyond 2006.  Have you stopped recording or is it just a beginning of year glitch?

All the best

Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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Posted: 19 Feb 2007 Topic: stick insects

Any idea where?  Living near the mild South Coast, it would be fun to come across them.  Quite a challenge too!

All the best

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Posted: 19 Feb 2007 Topic: Recording form

Thanks Gemma.

Next question:  the timing of my post above seems odd.  Have I done some thing wrong?

All the best

Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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Posted: 19 Feb 2007 Topic: Recording form


Thanks again, Gemma.

All the best

Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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Posted: 20 Feb 2007 Topic: why is it a different colour


My mum is dead jealous so she has built a pond herself this autumn!  The thing we are not sure about is what we can put in her pond from my pond to try to populate hers and when to do it.


Once everything has settled down you are probably going to end up with a lot more spawn from both frogs and toads than you ponds can happily support.  I would be tempted to divide off some clumps (frogs) and strings (toads) to give to your Mum.  That way the tadpoles will develop in your Mum's place and will return ultimately to breed there. 

Because the frogs/toads will take a couple of years to mature, do be prepared to keep adding spawn each year to get a colony established.

In my own garden, smooth newts came in of there own accord, but again you can always transfer spawn or larvae later in the year.

Best of luck.

All the best

Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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Posted: 20 Feb 2007 Topic: are these frogs?

First frog spawn occured on St Valentine's day (sweet) in a very small pond (actually a butler sink let into the ground).  Over the last week spawn has gradually been added to this pond.

Interestingly, a foot away is my larger garden pond which has seen frogs clasping continuously over the last week but, as yet, no spawn.  My wife wonders if this could be due to temperature difference between these 2 bodies of water. 

Personally, I wonder if the frogs use the larger pond for fore-play and migrate to the smaller pond to complete things in a more intimate environment!!

All the best

Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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Posted: 21 Feb 2007 Topic: Palmate Newt identity

I have just fished out a female newt from my small pond.  On examining her closely, there were no spots in evidence on throat or underside.

We have only ever had smooths up to now.  Is it possible a palmate has moved in or are these markings just not sufficiently conclusive?

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Joined: 18 Feb 2007
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Posted: 22 Feb 2007 Topic: Palmate Newt identity

Post code is DT1.

All the best


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