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Posts by Robpilley2007:

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Joined: 16 Apr 2007
No. of posts: 5

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Posted: 16 Apr 2007 Topic: Green Common Lizards!

Hi all,

over the weekend I wandered some heathland near me in the Mendip hills and saw several of the elusive green-coloured Common Lizards.

Of ten or so Commons I saw in about an hour, at least three of them were green and were breeding males. They really do look like little green or sand lizards as they race through the dry yellow grass, im not surprised people mistake them for greens or agilis.

Have a look at the pics,


PS i also saw a huge male black adder, stunning beast!

Joined: 16 Apr 2007
No. of posts: 5

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Posted: 16 Apr 2007 Topic: Green Common Lizards!

Joined: 16 Apr 2007
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Posted: 03 May 2007 Topic: Green frogs in Somerset?

Hi all

a friend of mine has been visiting a site in saomerset to photograph otters. he was over there this morning and despite no otters he saw over 100 large green and brown frogs calling loudly, he said they were making quite a din! He took a pic of one calling, it has a green head and paired voal sacs under the tympanum/ lower jaw.

Does anyone know of any known populations of green frogs (ridibunda/ lessonae/ esculenta) in Somerset or is this a new one?

They ARENT bullfrogs!

We are going for a wander over there tomorrow night so hopefully will catch a couple for more pics and ID's.

Please mail me at if you have any info.


Joined: 16 Apr 2007
No. of posts: 5

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Posted: 22 May 2008 Topic: American Bullfrog needed for photography

Hi all,

a friend of mine is a wildlife photographer and needs a large American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) for taking pics. It would take place at his studio in Surrey (so no risk from escaping etc).

I know they arent available in the trade anymore, does anybody know of anyone who can help him find a bullfrog- are there rescue centres etc that may rehouse unwanted frogs or perhaps animals collected from the wild in the UK? Can you contact me on,



Joined: 16 Apr 2007
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Posted: 23 May 2008 Topic: American Bullfrog needed for photography

Hi Tony

nice to hear from you, all is well here thanks. Im still making wildlife TV for the Beeb, married with a daughter now. Still keeping many european herp species in outdoor enclosures, montane chameleons etc, alls well thanks.

Hows SA? Im due to be heading to Tanzania week after next then Kwazulu Natal in the summer sometime.


- Posts by Robpilley2007

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