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Joined: 08 Aug 2003
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Posted: 08 Aug 2003 Topic: colour mutation?-Melanism? -update!


Along with the large ammount of  young toads ive found ( I think they have had quite a succesful year around my area), i found one which did look unusual. It has grey-black skin, which is sort of transloucent. Underneith it is pale, and i can almost see the organs inside it. THe most unususl think about it is that its eyes are compley black, there is not the distingtive bronzy eyes like a normal toad. It doesnt appear to have any of the brownd pigment in it skin, so im wondering wether it could be classed as an albino.

I will try and get a picture but it could be weeks or even months




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Posted: 09 Aug 2003 Topic: colour mutation?-Melanism? -update!

I was thinking it may be melatistic, but i think it is completly lacking they pigment which causes brown, which sort of means it would be an albino. Would melanistic have grey transloucent skin?


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Posted: 12 Aug 2003 Topic: colour mutation?-Melanism? -update!

wow, i'd love to find an albino

if it were anerythristic, would that be on the ressesive or somminant allele?



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Posted: 18 Aug 2003 Topic: colour mutation?-Melanism? -update!

Im gutted, the little thing has escaped!
I seached its entire 4' glass avquarium, i found all the toads other than that one. After looking at the viv i decided it may be possibe to jump from the water bowl up to a bit of glass which it could have stuck to, but why the black one out of all 7?
at least it can survive as i found 4 wild ones around it
Im not sure when it escpaed as i last saw it yesterday
Out of all the days it had to be the day before the photo
I may have the chance of finding it in my garden, if not i'd have to wait until next year when all the babies have morphed, providing its a good year. THere is also a small chance that it may be hiding deep in the sibstrate but i cleared all the loose soil. 

I did however take some photos of some wild ones in my garden, i think these are from this year, wuite big allready!


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Posted: 18 Aug 2003 Topic: Common Toad - Identification & Sightings


Common toad

Melton Mowbray


A. Johnson

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Posted: 18 Aug 2003 Topic: Common Toad - Identification & Sightings

I think that was a bit too specific in terms of location


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Posted: 18 Sep 2003 Topic: attacks on frogs

Those things give me headaches, i can just slightly hear them!

Im not sure on other ways to protect them, maybe if you provide more cover for the frogs.


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Posted: 21 Sep 2003 Topic: tadpoles over winter?

Hi, ive still got frog tadpoles in my small pond which are quite small, and most havent even got leg buds.

Im wondering wether it would be worth putting them is a cool place, which doesnt get frosty, so they can survive the winter, and the small pond is very shallow, last year it almost froze solid!


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Posted: 23 Dec 2003 Topic: Natterjack Toad

When i was near skegness, in august i think, (*or was it june  ) I saw plently of common toads, not far from the sea (some were practially on the beach, only just after some marram grass, jusdt a few metres from the highest tide line!

I guess tis is the same populaton that lee saw Over the dues there was a canal leading to the sea. I saw many babies from this years breeding, aswell as 6 from last year. I saw them in the evening, it was still light.

Also, In pembrokeshire, i saw a palamate newt in the dunes, i think it was under some wood or a stone at a damp big, presumably where a small stream flows thought the sand


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Posted: 27 Feb 2004 Topic: Natterjacks in spain

I know this isnt really from the UK, but i saw this toad near the beach on the east coast of spain, in the 3rd photo down. It has the yellow stripe and short legs of a natterjack, but is beautifully red. do natterjacks extend down to spain? or is it a different species?




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Posted: 06 Mar 2004 Topic: 3 headed frog found in W-s-M

What does everyone think to this?

Im convinced its just 2 males fighting over a female.

Apparantly it escaped before an expert got to see it!

I cant believe this made national news



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Posted: 18 Mar 2004 Topic: Bullfrog in kent..

Ive just spoken to someone in a chat room who has seen a frog which i think is an american bullfrog. Th peson lives in Thanet, SE kent, and without any knowledge of the risks(allthough its not really their fault i doubt hardly anyone know what an american bullfrog is, let alone what they look like), the peron re-realeased after freeing the common frog,  near their house in the mashes. It is describe as greeny brown all over, and much larger thjan any other frogs theyve seen. I think it was a male an it was attempting to be in amplexus with a common frog

What sort of action would be taken, i suppose people are going to want to catch it, then hopefully re-home it in captivity or something.


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Posted: 19 Mar 2004 Topic: Bullfrog in kent..

The person actually initially though it was a marsh frog, allthough didnt really think much of it. It was described as the largest frog theve ever seen.

ill try to get in contact with them again.


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Posted: 19 Mar 2004 Topic: 25% albino spawn

Hello, in my pond which has had quite a bit of frogspawn (about 10 clumps i think-2 years ago I was lucky to get 1!), and one of them had about a quater of the eggs either being pure which or white with a slightly darker bit on top. I brought a bit of the clump indoors, and now all of them are developing. Could there be albinos? are they likely to survive as tadpoles?




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Posted: 19 Mar 2004 Topic: 25% albino spawn

They are definatly not infertile, they are quickly developing!

I think there is actually less than 25% actually, when i counted a sample of them its about 10%, but still alot. most of the white ones are pure white, with a few which look half way!

The frogs in my area have done quite well, one bit a short walk from me has several areas with so much frog spawn it looks like a solid mass  or spawn that's 1.5mx0.5m!

I havent seen any infertile eggs


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Posted: 20 Mar 2004 Topic: Early Toad Movements

Heres a few photos from last year, of some youngsters

The ones i saw near skegness of the same age were more greyish



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Posted: 20 Mar 2004 Topic: 25% albino spawn

Ill have some photos on monday.

Im rearing he albinos separatly, in alarge storage tub  thing. theres over 60 eggs in total!

One problem that i have seen, is one area very near me has been very shallow for some reason, so many of the eggs cant eapand as theyre out of the water. Most of the frogs there moved to my pond though.

As ive had so much spawn in my pond, the forgs keep kicking it off the shallow shelf and it sinks to the bottom (not all of it is floating) Ive spent hours fishing out the spawn from the deep end, and now i put it all in my newer pond



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Posted: 02 Apr 2004 Topic: colour mutation?-Melanism? -update!

Last week I found this strange male, obviously with the same mutation as the last one:

It is now with a female, and i hope it successfully breeds in my nearby lake where i found it.


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Posted: 03 Apr 2004 Topic: 25% albino spawn

To update you all, the tadpoles have gone dark and almost indistinguisshable from the others now.

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Posted: 07 May 2004 Topic: Albino toad pics

Very nice, allthough it is a shame that they struggle to even survive in captiviy with their eyesight problem.

Were any of the babies albino, or just carriers?


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