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Joined: 14 Sep 2007
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Posted: 15 Sep 2007 Topic: Wall Lizards - Shoreham

it appears that in spite of the relatively poor summer we have had, the shoreham podarcis colony has had no trouble in replenishing itself. my son and i observed this years offspring in early july and at the end of august. the neonates appear to inhabit much more vegetated areas than adults and we rarely observed them on the fort walls or any other elevated positions for that matter. most were seen scurrying in and out of the sea kale patches. these occur in about a 30m wide strip adjacent to the gardens running from the fort end of the beach. we observed lizards of all age groups for well over a kilometer westwards from the fort.judging from the relative abundance of lizards within even this relatively small area, the population must be well up in 4 figures

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Posted: 15 Sep 2007 Topic: Green Common Lizards!

i don't think it quite matches yours rob, but this is one of 2 green males in my sons possesion which he bred from this spring. most of the offspring were released back where he caught the adults last year. he has kept a couple of the young to rear himself so it will be interesting to see if any of them turn green. i have only seen this colouration in males at this site. the site is a couple of miles west of stocksbridge, near langsett reservoir between sheffield and barnsley.


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Posted: 17 Sep 2007 Topic: what made this?

can't say for certain tim. but if the heath you photographed it on is in the south it could well be aglena labyrinthica one of the sheet web spiders.

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Posted: 17 Sep 2007 Topic: Green Common Lizards!

this is one of the offspring sired by the above male, and on closer inspection it already has a greenish hue


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Posted: 17 Sep 2007 Topic: Green lizard at Boscombe

beautifull lizard gary. i have three juveniles which are just beginning to colour up. they're not from boscombe however. they are from rob pilley along with three juvenile podarcis sicula

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Posted: 19 Sep 2007 Topic: Macabre, but interesting

unfortunately i found 2 dead slow-worms in a similar state of decomposition at shoreham about 3 weeks ago whilst my son and i were walking along the beach behind the houses, and i was just telling him that the culprit was probably a domestic cat, when a fox(full of mange) came trotting out of someones garden in broad daylight and straight past us without so much as a passing glimpse at us. in hindsight the culprit probably was a cat because a fox would  have eaten them rather than just killing them

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Posted: 19 Sep 2007 Topic: Hibernation

yeah, so am i. the forecast for the sefton coast on saturday is good so the dunes should be well worth a visit. the last time we went was in june and we saw plenty of la's but only one zv. plenty of natterjacks as well under refugia , surprisingly close to the tide line

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Posted: 14 Sep 2007 Topic: Wall Lizards - Shoreham

hi all, i'm new to this forum, although i did email chris a while ago about the shoreham pm colony. since then i have visited the site twice(quite a trek really from oldham) the last time being 2 weeks ago. i can confirm that the colony is thriving and quite extensive


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Posted: 14 Sep 2007 Topic: Wall Lizards - Shoreham

sorry about the image size and page layout, i'm a bit new to this

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Posted: 14 Sep 2007 Topic: Wall Lizards - Shoreham

yes i'm well aware of the laws regarding re-release Steve, and the photographed individuals (caught by my much more nimble son) now reside with us in an outdoor vivarium. incidentally a female which i managed to noose on my first shoreham visit in july layed 8 fertile eggs all of which hatched and are doing fine. more photos will follow as i have just bought a new digital slr.

     p.s. i didn't mean that my familly and i live in outdoor vivaria!!!

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Posted: 20 Sep 2007 Topic: Macabre, but interesting

which species of lizard is the skull from tim, is it a native lizard?

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Posted: 20 Sep 2007 Topic: Hibernation

anywhere between ainsdale and formby is a possibility for la and b.calamita

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Posted: 20 Sep 2007 Topic: greater manchester?

just wondered if there have been any recent sightings in the manchester area. i know of only a couple of records (usually from allotments) in recent years. reptiles in general appear to be very scarce this side of the pennines, but i would have thought slow-worms may tollerate our dank cotton mill climate better than any of the other commoner species. and yet i don't have to drive far to see zv.

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Posted: 20 Sep 2007 Topic: First smooth newt of the year in Essex!

i doubt if larvae as young as that will morph this year and will probably overwinter as aquatic larvae. even in warmer than average years e.g. last year, many l.vulgaris and l. helveticus larvae fail to morph in my pond and many other local ponds untill the following spring

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Posted: 21 Sep 2007 Topic: At Last.....

yeah well done. wish we had them in the manchester area. i sometimes drive 100miles plus to guarantee my boys and i a sighting

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Posted: 22 Sep 2007 Topic: Crete Trip May 2007

welcome rupe. love the head shot.which species of lacertid lizards did you encounter?

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Posted: 29 Sep 2007 Topic: Tagged today

sorry for the late input. i was tagged several times as a young teenager by different sized adders. all of the bites were extremely painfull, and tissue discolouration was apparent in every case. from what i can remember in the worst instances swelling would last for 4-5 days but the numbness and discolouration can last several weeks. i never recieved antivenom either. all bites were on the same hand except for 1 which was on my ankle and this bite although just as painfull, seemed to recover much quicker. i would say from what i have read that your symptoms are normal .

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Posted: 13 Feb 2008 Topic: Common Lizard pics 2008

two male common lizards spotted today on whitwell moor near sheffield at 1.35 pm, sorry no camera. air temp. a balmy 14c, almost unbelievable this far north in feb!!!

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Posted: 19 Feb 2008 Topic: Common Lizard pics 2008

couple more commons today on whitwell moor, 9 degrees c.


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Posted: 19 Feb 2008 Topic: Common Lizard pics 2008

p.s. sorry about image size

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