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Joined: 24 Sep 2007
No. of posts: 5

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Posted: 24 Sep 2007 Topic: Terrapin from Totteridge

Hi Gemma,

I live about 2 min from that pond at there are definately still one or two indivduals at that pond.


Joined: 24 Sep 2007
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Posted: 27 Oct 2007 Topic: Today at Chobham

Can you suggest the best area in Chobham to look? Im at Silwood park so only about 2 min away. Did a day of tansect surveys last week but was not lucky enough to see a single snake or anything for that matter


Joined: 24 Sep 2007
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Posted: 29 Oct 2007 Topic: Today at Chobham

Thanks alot! Yesterday was quite warm and I have often found Grassies in temperatures like that...Have you noticed the strange goings on at Cholbham, by that I mean the copius amounts of dog poo in bags hanging from trees? maybe a Pagan ritual I know nothing about but sure did put a damper on my searching!!

Joined: 24 Sep 2007
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Posted: 20 Jun 2008 Topic: Adder Hysteria

There are signs dotted all around the Gower warning of adders! Horton is a popular surf spot (when working) and I'm pretty sure there is a sign warning of adders. Infact at Oxwich right next to Horton there is a large infomative sign describing what adders look like and the dangers...what more can be done. However, I do wish the girl a speedy recovering and hope Liz decides not to perpetuate any hysteria.

Joined: 24 Sep 2007
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Posted: 25 Jun 2008 Topic: Snake personalities

Bit of an anthropomorphic view isnt' it! Grass snakes being very placid could just be showing their timid nature from what I have experienced. 

However, I have found that between one of my old study sites and another researchers study site that the two populations display very different defense behaviours. Where unfortunately mine tended to poo all over me the other population were more prone to hissing. This could just be a product of age of the animals or sex.


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