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Baby Sue
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Posted: 10 Mar 2009 Topic: The toads are crossing roads in Wales

Can I join in?!


I never knew there was a problem sticking boy and girl toads and frogs in the same bucket. IÆve worried about little toads sitting at the bottom when thereÆs a bonking frenzy going on on top of them and IÆve wondered if they could possibly be squashed dead or suffocated but all my toads have made it out alive. I could never be bothered with two buckets, I ainÆt got enough hands anyway, you need one for the torch, one for the bucket, and itÆd be useful if you had another couple for picking them up. & if itÆs raining I need a brolli hand. & anyway IÆm too dumb to tell which is which and if I fannied around in the dark scratching my head wondering which bucket it should go in others around me would be getting squashed.


BTW, Oldies?! What do you need proper data for? What do you do with it once youÆve got it? If it says toads are screwed and numbers are falling do you breed them in captivity or something and put more out in the wild? A woman at Leeds Council likes pond data but what does she do with it when she gets it? Is there breeding units somewhere?! If I tell the lady frogs are disappearing will she add more in my area?


[QUOTE=Mark_b] At the fast road (18:30 - 20:30) we had ....

Toads total 49 (14 pairs, 15 singles, 6 heading back to woods)
Dead toads - 5
Frogs going back - 7
Palmates - 69!!!!! (no chance of sexing them after 2 hours walking in the very very wet rain)
Dead newts - 7[/QUOTE]

WhatÆs a palmate?


I ainÆt been looking for frogs and toads this season yet. Now that IÆve moved house I canÆt see if thereÆs roadkill without going out of my way. The wind went away later last night so IÆm figuring they might have started their journey by now, I might go out tonight to see, bummer though cos IÆll have to miss ColeenÆs Real Women.

Baby Sue39882.2862962963

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 10 Mar 2009 Topic: Skill online Frog Store

My Big Half Sister Lynn got me some band playing iron frogs! She got them off Ebay and theyÆre supposed to go in the garden but IÆm having them on my kitchen window bottom cos they look mega ace there. One plays the trumpet, and one plays the drums but they came to me boxed wrong and I got two guitarists instead of one guitarist and one violinst and worse than that one of the guitarists came broken. I tried UHUing it but that didnÆt work but I borrowed some of Meanie MummyÆs glue and that did the trick. Big Half Sister Lynn says she spoke to the sender and sheÆs gonna send me a violinist out! Hope she werenÆt lying (old people lie a lot ), hope it comes.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Joined: 19 Feb 2008
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Posted: 10 Mar 2009 Topic: Edible frog?

My Fairy God Mother Laura saw this frog in her pond and just had to take a photo of it for me, she posted it in a Robbie forum and it was the first time ever sheÆs posted a photo. SheÆs old and ainÆt right good with technology and ainÆt enthusiastic about learning how to do things in PC land but she followed my posting photos instructions that I did yonks back and she got it up for me! Whippee!

She said she looked it up and says itÆs an edible frog. Is she right then? If you say she got it wrong IÆll tell her and point and laugh at her.

Baby Sue39882.2985069444

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 10 Mar 2009 Topic: toad crossings

Cool video Vicar. My dad was a badger crusader and he made sure that badger tunnels got put in the bypass when it was getting built near our way.



I like the climbing frog pic. I saw a toad half hanging out of a wall last toad grabbing season, it never got to set foot on the ground to make itÆs migrate, I yanked it out and stuck it in my bucket.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 10 Mar 2009 Topic: My toad photos

Great pics!

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 10 Mar 2009 Topic: Nice to see...

I'm digging all the pics being posted.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 11 Mar 2009 Topic: Edible frog?

OK, IÆm gonna tell her. I think sheÆs gonna be disappointed though, she believed she saw a rare species. Poor Fairy God Mother Laura. It is a pretty frog though, IÆd be pleased if it was in my pond.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 11 Mar 2009 Topic: The toads are crossing roads in Wales

[QUOTE=Peter][QUOTE=Baby Sue] WhatÆs a palmate?   [/QUOTE] Hi Sue. A palmate is a species of newt that is widespread throughout Britain. [/QUOTE]

Hi Peter. Cool, IÆve seen a few newts when IÆm out frogging, maybe IÆve actually seen a palmate myself?!!


[QUOTE=herpetologic2] You shouldn't really be doing this alone for health and
safety. [/QUOTE]

I know, thereÆs some right oddballs out there. There was this big black guy last year who was talking to me and he was saying strange stuff that didnÆt make sense, I ended up lying about where I lived and who I lived with and said I was married just to flick him off. & I never lie about owt but I didnÆt want to tell the truth with him, IÆve had enough stalking weirdos who know everything about me, I have this horrible habit of being too friendly and answering questions and then they turn all clingy. I answered all the questions one of my new neighbours asked and he turned all sticky and wouldnÆt take no for an answer, he kept coming round in the dark re-asking me out and he was freaking me so I googled him and he turned out to be a kidnapper and gang rapist. AinÆt no way IÆm going anywhere with him. (Have I talked about him already on here? Think I may have. ) Anyway, every time I get a knock on the door at night I ask who it is before opening it now. The postman keeps leaving my presents that I get from old people off the internet with a man neighbour and the postie donÆt leave a note through the door saying somethinÆs come and that neighbourÆs come round about 4 times with presents, I feel a wally shouting through the door but I gotta make sure itÆs a present for me and not that rapist again.

Or when you say I shouldnÆt really do frogging alone for health and safety reasons is that just cos you think I may get run over? Probably. IÆm a bit of a plot loser. IÆm good at dodging cars me, I think thereÆs much more chance of me running into a nutter than someone running over me.


[QUOTE=herpetologic2] If you have more than one person then the two
bucket method can be used while single people need to
take what is suitable for them. [/QUOTE]

DonÆt have no friends. No one will come frogging with me. I even advertised for frogging friends in the local paper and no one wanted to be my friend or the frogs. Even my own mother wonÆt come with me. SheÆs too busy lying in bed watching telly and eating. I bet one of the pervoÆs on my case would be thrilled to tag along but IÆd rather be lonely. One bucket will have to do for me, not enough hands.

[QUOTE=herpetologic2] If you are an ARG member and you are taking up the
insurance from ARG UK then you need to carry out a risk
assessment and we would prefer that more than one person
is on a road at night with the usual safety gear - high
vis etc


DidnÆt know you could get insurance for frogging. DidnÆt know what ARG was exactly ætil I just looked it up. I donÆt wanna wear high vis clothes though cos IÆll look a tw*t. Well I donÆt look cool when out frogging anyway cos IÆm in my scruff cos I donÆt want mucky frog slime on the sleeve of my work coats and if IÆm on my hands and knees and climbing over walls I only want old scruffy clothes on, itÆs so shameful when IÆm out frogging, horrendously dresses and shining a torch up peoplesÆ driveways, and a lot of people think that catching frogs is well weird and IÆm odd to want to. DonÆt wanna wear high vis stuff, I try to do it the best I can without drawing attention to myself. IÆll just dodge traffic, IÆve got big ears, IÆll hear cars coming, and anyway IÆm far more likely to get run over on the 10 miles I walk to and from work each day along the main roads but thanks for your concern.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 11 Mar 2009 Topic: The toads are crossing roads in Wales

Oh BTW, I went out frogging last night but there wasnÆt any sign of them, none out, no squidges old or new, Yorkshire frogs and toads always seem to come out later than southern ones though so I ainÆt shocked.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 11 Mar 2009 Topic: Skill online Frog Store

Hi Keith. Is prinny charles Prince Charles? I guess what you first said is supposed to be humourous, itÆs lost on me though cos I donÆt know hardly nothinÆ about Prince Charles, France or Australia and I ainÆt right good at picking up on jokes. Oops. Oh and IÆve just worked out what you meant about France having lots of frogs, the French are called frogs ainÆt they?! I get it. 2 months later but I get it now.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 25 Feb 2008 Topic: Zimbabwe gheko

It's really beautiful.   Defo an odd colour though.   I didn't know white ones existed!



I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 25 Feb 2008 Topic: fav pics

[QUOTE=AndyS][QUOTE=Baby Sue]

That snake skull with itÆs teeth showing is well freaky. It frightened me.


Well maybe because it's a Slow worm, I bet you didn't think they had teeth that big !!!! [/QUOTE]

Is it a slow worm?!! Suppose IÆve never seen a dead one of them before or a slow worm skull! They shouldnÆt call them slow worms if they have teeth like that cos worms donÆt have teeth. Or do they? I ainÆt never looked in a wormÆs mouth before. But none have ever bitten me before when IÆve picked them up off the roads and pavements to stop them from getting flattened. My dad collects skulls. Bet heÆd love to have one of those in his collection. I hate his skulls though, theyÆre well freaky.   He has lots of dead animals in his house, they're well grose. 

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 25 Feb 2008 Topic: HAVE WE A PROBLEM HERE?

Hey youÆre nice!


IÆm enthusiastic wherever I go! It is a dead good forum though, I ainÆt never been on one which talks all about frogs and toads and stuff in such detail before. I talk loads about animals on other forums I go on though, on one Robbie Williams forum I got given my own wildlife section cos I was talking so much about animals! In my section IÆve talked loads and loads in that and everyone posts their pictures of animals for me and pictures of their pets and itÆs dead good! But itÆs ace to visit a place where thereÆs people who are all clued up on frogs and know all their species and all about them. I donÆt know much about frogs, I just kidnap them for a few minutes and let them go again each year, but IÆm real interested in knowing more and more and more about them! & I know where to come if IÆve got any questions cos sometimes the girls on other forums donÆt have the answers to my questions but you lot seem all brainy so thatÆs well cool.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 25 Feb 2008 Topic: We chopped off a toadÆs legs....

Hey itÆs well cool to know that there are disabled frogs and toads out there, I might think twice about jumping on hurt ones in future. I was debating whether or not I should steal some squashed ones and take them home to our greenhouse to see if they live or die just cos IÆm curious.  ààBut I wouldnÆt do it if the frogs and toads werenÆt up for it. ItÆs hard to tell what theyÆre thinking and what theyÆd like though ain't it? I donÆt recognise frogs and toads in my area, IÆm not sure if IÆve seen the same one twice, I guess I must have picked a few of the same ones up before though. I tend to think that I might not see them again once IÆve released them though cos so many get squashed and I canÆt be on all the roads at the same time to save them.


BTW Vicar, your avator is well scary. Are you actually a vicar in real life?

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 25 Feb 2008 Topic: fav pics

I read the ID page, slow worms are cool. I wanna spot one now. DonÆt think I ever will though.

ItÆs good to know they donÆt hurt much when they bite. Suppose if I did ever see one though I wouldnÆt want to pick it up anyway cos it might not like it. So IÆll never know what it feels like to get bitten. I know what it feels like to get bitten by a rabbit though, a stray pet one bit me a few days ago after IÆd rescued it and I had dripping blood all over my hand. I was only trying to be itÆs friend too, I guess animals don't realise that though.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 26 Feb 2008 Topic: HAVE WE A PROBLEM HERE?

I like the quit your complaining one.


I usually use and I ainÆt seen that other site before but IÆm gonna use that now. TheyÆve got some well boogie ones, à.and some rude ones in the naughty section. Thanks for linking us Andy.


On other forums I go on IÆve got a whole family. I canÆt wait ætil I show them all the baby ones I saw on that site.

My Mummy JueJue is going to be thrilled.


& theyÆve got froggy ones.

& hereÆs some others from other sites.

& I love this one.



[QUOTE=Suzi]Yep Gemma is the only one to tell us off! I was worried as we have lost this forum a few times and the first signs of things going wrong was multiple postings by new unknown members.

No offence intended. [/QUOTE]

ItÆs OK Suzi.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Joined: 19 Feb 2008
No. of posts: 412

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Posted: 26 Feb 2008 Topic: Zimbabwe gheko

OK, so IÆm new to this site and havenÆt fully browsed it yet or learnt lots about amphibians yet à whatÆs an egret? Can you post your rubbish photos kateatcrowlas please?

Albino newts sound fab! I bet theyÆre real cute.

Hope the white gheko didnÆt end up in some stew.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 26 Feb 2008 Topic: Photo of my toad signs

Yeah. It is.   It is.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Posted: 26 Feb 2008 Topic: Short German documentary on frogs here

Video -


One of my German friends uploaded this 13 minute documentary for me cos she knows how much I like frogs. ItÆs all in German though, but the frog footage is mega ace! The bit right at the end where a frog is trying to gobble down a worm is especially thrilling, itÆs hugely grose, but just so entertaining at the same time.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Joined: 19 Feb 2008
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Posted: 26 Feb 2008 Topic: Frog Pult

Frog Pult -


If you want some fun download this silly computer game, itÆs dead easy to play, it gave me a giggle.

Baby Sue40372.5884722222

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.

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