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Posted: 14 May 2008 Topic: Photos req

These snakes are quite normal, howewer they have nice colours and marking.

this black one has rests of pattern

this has nice colours

this high contrast male has nice patter especially on his head


I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 02 Jul 2008 Topic: crimea snakes


What species of vipers lives on Crimea (Ukraine)? V.ursinii, something more? v.renardi maybe?

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 22 Jul 2008 Topic: smooth snake in Poland

Thony you are talking about markings from the back of the head?

Yes this is male. Can you write somenthing about sexual dimorphism in colouration and pattern in this species?
We have law that protect smooth snakes and their habitats, but it doesn't work. People are killing snakes and destroying their habitats and nobody cares it. We have only few herpetologist who are doing something to save this species. There are only 2 conservation programmes in some parts of country and it is to small. One of the problem are snake hunters, that are searching for snakes, catching and selling them (illegal of course). How to stop them? Noone of these hunters were seen during this proceder, so how to prove that he or she should be punished for breaking law? Some our populations of aesculapin snake almost extinct because of illegal hunting.
Habitat of snake from photo is rocky place, very warm and dry, not a lot flora, I can write something more if you need, see this pics of this specimen habitat:

In Poland smooth snakes lives in lowlands, rocky places like this, dry meadows and forest edges, pine forest and other habitats, usually habitat of this species is warm and dry.

What part of Poland will you be visited? Invite to Bieszczady mountains in south east Poland, a lot adders and grass snakes live here, and maybe some aesculapian snake

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 22 Jul 2008 Topic: Polish adders

I'm working on it. In adult vipers so far I have seen small changes in colouration in one female, shes zigzag becames brighter, 2 years ago she had more brown pattern, this is she (photo made this year, I don't have pic how she looked before)

Another example, male:
photo made in 2007

and photo made one year later, in 2008:

I don't see differences.

there are differences between juveniles and adults, especially in colouration, but now I don't have particular data about it.


I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 23 Jul 2008 Topic: smooth snake in Poland

it would be wonderfully
I don't know her, your son is lucky (polish women cook very good)

In place from the photos I found 6 smooth snakes. 3 males, 2 females and 1 young (about 40 cm length, don't know female or male). One female was gravid and here is my question: how to search juvenile smooth snakes? And how big are they when they are sexually mature?
Any advice about smooth snakes searching and observations would be helpfull

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 23 Jul 2008 Topic: Polish adders

Normal snake gradually become black? I've heard that almost all melanistic adders had normal colouration when they were juveniles, but there are no melanistic individuals in my population so I couldn't check it (have to look into other population).

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 23 Jul 2008 Topic: adder

looks nice

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 23 Jul 2008 Topic: Snakes in France


What species of snakes live in France? N.natrix, n.maura, z.longissimus, c.austriaca, v.berus, v.aspis, something else? Which of them are common and easy to find in France?

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 23 May 2008 Topic: Photos req

examples of viper habitats in Poland:

rocky places

antropogenic places

river valleys


forest edges


I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 09 Jun 2008 Topic: Diet

Polish herpetologist Wlodzimierz Juszczyk has examinated stomaches of adult adders and he found Zootoca vivipara, amphibians (Rana temporaria, R. arvalis) and of course small mammals (Rodentia & Insectivora).

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 05 Jul 2008 Topic: crimea snakes

and what about vipera ursinii? this species doesn't live on the Crimea? Stanislaw39634.7151851852

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 08 Jul 2008 Topic: crimea snakes

thank you, everything is clear to me now

I apologize for my english :-)
Joined: 08 Mar 2008
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Posted: 08 Jul 2008 Topic: grass snake movements


I was searching publications about grass snake migrations, movements. I have found only 2 publications about it: Madsen, T. 1984. Movements, home range size and habitat use of radio-tracked grass snakes (Natrix natrix) in Southern Sweden, Copeia and Nagy, Z. T. and Z. Korsós. 1999. Data on movements and thermal biology of grass snake (Natrix natrix L.) using radiotelemetry. Are there more publications? I'm studying grass snake population near my town, especially I'm interest in migrations and movements.

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 21 Jul 2008 Topic: Polish adders

These snakes were observed in south-east Poland. We have 4 species of snakes, and only adder is venomous species.
blue male:

I apologize for my english :-)
Joined: 08 Mar 2008
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Posted: 22 Jul 2008 Topic: smooth snake in Poland


A few pics od smooth snake, made in south east Poland. This species is very rare in our country, we don't know well its distribution in Poland and some of its states become destroyed before somebody discoveres them.
Smooth and aesculapian snake (I don't have its photographs, but I have seen it in nature) are in danger of extinction in Poland. This second speciec lives only in south Poland and we have only about 100 individuals of zamenis, so it is critical situation.

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 22 Jul 2008 Topic: Polish adders

thanks I'm learning, all of this adders are from one small (about 80 individuals) population in Bieszczady mountains (beatiful place) , I haven't seen two identical adders

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 27 Jul 2008 Topic: Snakes in France


I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 27 Jul 2008 Topic: smooth snake in Poland

Those smoothies are from habitat on the photo, there was no heaths there (I don't know whether well I understood you)
one pic more:

I apologize for my english :-)
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Posted: 21 Aug 2008 Topic: Polish adders

few days ago I saw adder with some eye problem,
pisc of snake:

and this eye:

what do you think about it? maybe she had problems with sheding?

I apologize for my english :-)
Joined: 08 Mar 2008
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Posted: 15 Sep 2008 Topic: births ?

Here in Poland I saw week ago more than 20 neos and 2 adult females during birth (unfortunatelly no photos)

I apologize for my english :-)

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