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Geoff Simpson
Joined: 11 Feb 2004
No. of posts: 12

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Posted: 11 Feb 2004 Topic: Adders odancingo in Derbyshire


The reason why male adders in the Peak District (Derbyshire) have been never recorded dancing despite years of observation. Is believed to be because the male population at the only site in Derbyshire is out weighed by as many as 6:1 by females. (lucky male adders)

Maybe there is no need to combat (dance) when females are thick on the ground.



Geoff Simpson
Joined: 11 Feb 2004
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Posted: 12 Feb 2004 Topic: Early sightings

Three male adders observed at principle Derbyhsire site at 2 pm today. Having been a keen observer of adders at this site over an 8 year period this is the earliest sighting to date. My previous earliest sightings were 25th February 2002, 2 March 2001 and 4 March 1998. Though I do have a record of a male on Guan Boduan, Gwynedd for 4th Jan 1997.

Geoff Simpson

Geoff Simpson
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Posted: 06 Apr 2004 Topic: No adult females this year...

The main Derbyshire site has been badly degraded by the burning once again of the heather moorland and the drainage of a large expanse of water. Adjacent to the water I would normally see 6 to 10 adders basking but in 2003 NIL and so far in 2004 NIL.

That said I did find 3 males and 2 females elsewhere on the moor but all about 200 metres apart. This year is going to be a difficult year I fear for the population of adders here in Derbyshire I feel. Which is a shame as only 10 months ago I invited the peak District NP ecologist to join me for a day and help outline the prime adder sites. Totally ignoring my comments they have degraded the area. When will they ever learn - I don't like to say this but I fear there are to many pen pushers and not enough knowledge where it really matters on the ground.


Geoff Simpson
Joined: 11 Feb 2004
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Posted: 08 Apr 2004 Topic: Just to round off the week

Tony Hi!

I got bitten by a large female 2 years ago and it nearly killed me I was very ill and in hospital for 3 nights - not a pleasant experience. I had 3 dosages of anti-venom (made in Croatia) pumped into me. I think I was the first and to date only adder bite victim they had ever seen in Manchester.

PS. Got a reply from the Peak District NP Authorities this evening. Their new ecologist expressing his disgust at the slaughter of so many male adders and aplogised for just an act. He has asked to work with me to help protect this vunerable population. The first point I raised with him was having a big sign indicating the precence of adders removed - I don't think this serves any purpose and only makes walkers curious as they start looking between the bracken and boulders for an adder.

Hope you did'nt have the ill effects of an adder bite like I did.



I'm off to Guan Boduan, Gwynedd over Easter to visit my parents - I'll see how the adder population is getting on, on the hillside and golf course at Morfa Nefyn.

From my records since 1997 nearly all the male (spring) moult in the Peak District during the last few days of April.

Geoff Simpson38085.9269212963

Geoff Simpson
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Posted: 11 Apr 2004 Topic: Spring moult

Tony Hi

Took the attached image today in Derbyshire of a female adder having just moulted.

Saw no adders in Wales - it was so cold and raining all the time.



Geoff Simpson38088.9444444444

Geoff Simpson
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Posted: 17 Apr 2004 Topic: Adder (Snake) Bites

2 summers ago I was stupid enough to get bitten by a female adder - 2 days in hospital and very ill and stomach cramps you could not believe and vomiting.

Have any of you been bitten other than Tony and I and what were the symtoms and outcome. If you unfortunately you died there's no need to reply.


Geoff Simpson

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Geoff Simpson
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Posted: 23 Apr 2004 Topic: Good Adder Day

Female adder taken in Peak District NP, Derbyshire last week.

Geoff Simpson38100.9280671296

Geoff Simpson
Joined: 11 Feb 2004
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Posted: 23 Apr 2004 Topic: Sefton Coast Sand Lizard

An image of a Lancashire male sand lizard - I saw 2 females and 7 males in 5 hours which is very good by Lancashire standards.

Geoff Simpson38100.9476851852

Geoff Simpson
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Posted: 24 Apr 2004 Topic: Spring behaviour


How can you tell the age of these adders so accurately? Though I guess the answer is you recognise individuals over many years.



Geoff Simpson38101.7611111111

Geoff Simpson
Joined: 11 Feb 2004
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Posted: 25 Apr 2004 Topic: Good Adder Day

Leigh Hi!

This was film - a Canon EOS-1n, 180mm macro lens, Provia 100F @ f/16, beanbag and a Canon angle-finder-C. The only differences I see with digital and being fortunate to use a Canon 1Ds is firstly - you can see your results in the field and secondly - digital has a slightly wider latitude than slide film and this is noticeable in the shadow areas. That said sometimes shadows make an image so I guess it's swings and roundabouts.

Given the choice I prefer to have a piece a film in front of me - it's at least tangible.



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Geoff Simpson
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Posted: 05 May 2004 Topic: sand lizards at chester zoo?


I visited the zoo enclosure where the sand lizard are kept - I did not see one but they have captured the environment as found along the Sefton Coast to perfection.


Geoff Simpson
Joined: 11 Feb 2004
No. of posts: 12

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Posted: 08 May 2004 Topic: Fatal adder bite in Germany


Adder bites - not recommended if you are especially allergic like me - a nip from a female 2 years ago nearly killed me (43 year old and very healthy).



Geoff Simpson38115.4344675926

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