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Joined: 01 Nov 2008
No. of posts: 5

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Posted: 01 Nov 2008 Topic: do they think itos all over ?

Found two juv and one female on Weds 29 in Surrey, about 11 a.m.. There was snow overnight and I was pretty surprised at the find. No snow laying in the area of the sighting though. It's one of those spots you can have a quick check (5-10 mins), just in case.

Steve, was that Surrey report you mentioned mine? I sent the record that date, but it referred to a spring sighting. As it happens the above sighting is the same place though!


Joined: 01 Nov 2008
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Posted: 01 Nov 2008 Topic: Photos req

Hi Tony

I realise this reply is a bit late considering the June date of the latest post.....

I do have some pre digital slides which might be of interest,

  • Dead adder after heath fire Chobham Common NNR, whole body - I hate to say it, but it looks like it is screaming, mouth open wide showing fangs. Makes me feel sad just typing this.
  • Adder threatening posture to intruder (me obviously), front part of body raised, looking straight into lens.
  • Very pale adder.
  • Adders in mound basking - up to four/five coiled in a pile one on top of other, every so often one would remove itself to regain top of pile - kind of adder king of the castle.

If of interest let me know. I would need to get the film scanner out and remember how it works, so would take time. Guess it will be too late for you now though.

You might remember me from your reptile course in Swanage (late 70s?) with Mark O'Shea, Roz Kidman Cox, and others.


Marshall Black

Joined: 01 Nov 2008
No. of posts: 5

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Posted: 01 Nov 2008 Topic: Mound basking?

In a reply to another post I mentioned mound basking and wonder if any others have seen this. I only know it from one group of VB at one hibernation spot in Surrey (long since gone), and just feel I can't be the only person to have seen it.

Four or five adders lie coiled in a pile, one on top of the next, basking. Every so often one would remove itself from a lower spot in the pile to regain the top spot. I guess there was some warmth advantage to the pile effect, which would only leave the top specimen in direct sunlight.

Just to make it clear, image an adder basking in a tight circular coil, take four or five and plop them on top of each other - make sense?

Anyone else seen this, would love to know?


Joined: 01 Nov 2008
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Posted: 19 Mar 2009 Topic: The Grass Snakes are out...

Hi Peter

I found 3 Grass Snakes also on 15th, NE Surrey. 14th was 1 F 3 M Vb, 3 Slow Worms basking, quite a few common liz.

The grass snakes were all close by - within about 10 Sq Ft - I'm guessing a female with two interested males. This one probably being a female?

Joined: 01 Nov 2008
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Posted: 19 Mar 2009 Topic: The Grass Snakes are out...

Thanks Tim, just got lucky with this one laying out in a nice spot and allowing me to approach close enough. Normal disappearing trick didn't happen, even though it was pretty late when I found it, 12:30 or there abouts. The other two were off in a flash.




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