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Posted: 01 Aug 2004 Topic: Found my first ever Adder

wheyhey back of the net and all that :)

found it about the same time it saw me and slithered off under a gorse was in very dense vegetation at Rhossili in the Gower S Wales, at 12.32 on friday in very hot weather, last recorded sighting is in 1967 on NBN. Found what i believe is part of a dead adder, small section includin bones etc rather dried out. and a slouth which is abit late in the year? do the sloughs not have the v markings? its darkish on top pale underneath no obvious markings though.





Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 02 Aug 2004 Topic: Found my first ever Adder

its in pretty good condition although broke into two pieces when i picked it up, it measures about 40cms in length. i'll try get a picture hosted, iam now now thinking the body part may be a grass snake now ive had a chance to look properly. although its abit dry its seems to have dark bands rather than the zig zags, but the live one was most def Vipera berus.  

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 17 Sep 2004 Topic: reasons to explain adders absence

on the south Wales coast there are two dune systems, one at Methyr Mawr and the other at Kenfig, at kenfig there are common lizards and grass snakes but no adders, at Methyr Mawr there are adders and i imagine both other species. trying to think of a possible reason why adders havent choosen to or been able to settle at kenfig, there very close to each other being on the same stretch of coast, any one have any ideas?


Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 20 Sep 2004 Topic: reasons to explain adders absence

M Mawr does have more dense veg on a wider area but i still think kenfig has enough suitable to allow for adders, certainly other factors should all be favourable. Kenfig is being left to natural succession if i remember correctly and there are areas of good scrub and woodland, especially by the lake which i would guess would be excellent summer hunting grounds. Chance may be the key or habitat choice, i dont think that there there in such a small number as not to be found as the site is too widely walked etc mmmmm good question this :) thanks for ya ideas 

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 20 Sep 2004 Topic: reasons to explain adders absence

yeah i know Dave,  due to do some work exp next month when i hand my MSc dis in next week, if grazing is their approach then yes i'd agree with the loss of site suitability there, how much high ground is there, not a great deal for hibernation sites? 2/3rds floods in winter if i remember correctly could have a good reason here, not to sure on n natrix hiberntion whether its similar?

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 23 Sep 2004 Topic: Newt ID, Oban, Scotland

looks like Triturus helveticus Palmate newts to me although cant see too clearly, look rather skinny too, the largest one in the second pic is a female i believe cant see the others to tell, few different ages there too judging by size range.

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 23 Sep 2004 Topic: Newt ID, Oban, Scotland

males would also have webbed feet, the female hasnt got this to allow for the wrapping of the eggs into the vegetation. its just smooths that poccess a low crest well and GCNs not palmates, lucky enough to have 100s of palmates in my garden, found a juvenile yesterday hiding in the rockery, was about 2cm long so cute :)

although have so many they have demolished my frog tadpoles for the 2nd time in a 2yrs, havent seen any tadpoles and not froglets this yr in last 6months :( think its time for some segregation. any1 else suffered from anything similar?

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 23 Sep 2004 Topic: reasons to explain adders absence

thats interesting, i have survyed the site only one day and it is a huge site, nice pic of a common lizard, but was told no we dont get adders here only grassies by the warden, hes done the job for years and is there everyday seemed very certain of the lack of adders. brings up more questions and uncertainties hehe dam this disertation :P


Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 23 Sep 2004 Topic: Larvae still around in September

iam still finding palmate larva in the pond still with feathery gills, should overwinter and be out early next year getting a headstart on there latest siblings, same with frog tadpoles, some just take that bit longer to complete metamorphsis. most adults have left usually cant not see them with a torch but proving differcult to locate at mo, as for adult froggies there still all over the place, just creating some more hibernation sites for them hope they apprieciate it, usually do :)

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 24 Sep 2004 Topic: reasons to explain adders absence

is there any idea on mortality on females when they give birth? imagine must put them through some stress taking that they need a year off to recouperate before breeding again.

the thing that still amazes me is the paper infront on me now 'beyond hypothesis a long term study of british snakes' Phelps T, June 2004 British Wildlife, where tony found the same adder and smooth snake making them over 30years old!  did you see them between 1976 and 2003 or were there good at hide n seek?

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 24 Sep 2004 Topic: reasons to explain adders absence

thanks for that info

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 10 Nov 2004 Topic: Coastal adders and reptiles

i just finished my MSc on Adders along South and West Wales coastline, there are many sites where Adders are present from dunes to exposed cliff tops.

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 09 Feb 2006 Topic: 2006 is comino to life!

male palmates are in the pond, 1 pair of froggies already being rather friendly  next doors cat is constantly being chased off so theres lots of activity now its gettting slightly warmer.


iam in cardiff, appararently spawn already in my grandparents pond although ive not seen it from a week or so ago!

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 10 Feb 2006 Topic: Non-reptile fauna under tins

ive found vole nests under tins and carpet, the pink baby voles are so cute, ive got some pics,if i can get them posted correctly fingers crossed.



Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 13 Feb 2006 Topic: Non-reptile fauna under tins

baby voleeees indeed are a very good find, think ive had 4 different nests now. find most tiles on the road projects have mammal tunnels under them where theyve been out for the summer. The ones pictured were from an abandoned allotment i did a community project on, unfortunately it was all rotovated but.... i caught the female, and transfered her with her 3 little blind babies to a very large tank at home, they all survived and were very interesting to watch growing up and exploring the until they were released when they were ready to go :( the amount of grass clippings they ate was absolutely amazing!


Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 30 Mar 2006 Topic: Surrey Slow worm

found 3 today one baby, v small indeed and two adults one was huge around 40cm i guess biggest by far ive ever seen :)

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 15 May 2004 Topic: Herp Workers for Operation Wallacea

i got back from 3 weeks out with op wall begining of april in Honduras at Cusuco, wish had the money to go back amazing place with amazing wildlife.

Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 15 May 2004 Topic: Good Adder Day

hi, iam about to begin my dissertation for my MSc, does anyone have or know where to get records of adder populations in south wales? i plan on looking into historical records to see if populations are still present, sucessful management, or habitat loss etc. any help would be greatly apprieciated.



Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 24 May 2004 Topic: Good Adder Day

yeah i know Rhys, although he wouldnt no me by name, prob recognise the face from wandering about the uni corridors as i did my degree at Cardiff, is there def adders recorded at kenfig? if so thats great as i understand that they dont know whether there present or not. def worth checkin out, cheers!


Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management
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Posted: 24 May 2004 Topic: Where have all the toads gone

hi, iam in Cardiff aswell, and have only ever found one Common Toad in my garden, even though my pond supports a huge common frog and Palmate newt population, just no Toads such a shame :( i have released a few toadlets that i raised from a local source but these seem to have dispersed and have not seen any from winter although they were growing quickly and were remaining in the pond and surrounding area. i just hope that just because i havent seen them doesnt mean there not there :)



Mike Lister BSc hons Ecology & Env management

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