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Posts by Paul:

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Joined: 27 May 2004
No. of posts: 13

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Posted: 27 May 2004 Topic: Help with frog - quite urgent

Last Tuesday night (25th) when i was up near my pond I was just spotting some of my frogs and spotted about 5 medium size and 1 large slighty submerged in between 1 of my plants and the side of my pond, I thought nothing of it till Tonight (thurs - 27th) when i spotted the same frog in the same location and at closer inspection the eyes looked blue in colour, this led me to belive it was somehow dead. So I went to remove it from my pond but when i first touched the frog it submerged making it hard to get at without moving my plant, anyway i managed to move it out from the gap and when i tried to grasp it, it swam away into the deeper water where I lost it in Canadian Pond weed, i then waited for it to come out again but to no prevail, I'm not sure what is wrong with this frog, quite large, but it's mainly the blue/cloudy eyes that worry me cause of illness which might spread to my population of frogs... I would be grateful for any help, I've never really heard of this kind of thing  before.

Just an extra note on how my frog spawn's being lately -

2002, briliant year, lots of frogspawn and froglets.

2003, lots of frog spawn, some developed, then disapeared.

2004, 3 clumps of frog spawn, plently of tadpoles, no problems yet.


I'm not sure what happened in 2003 - bad season for all of UK but I live in Northumberland and the frogs lay quite late after the frost has gone, so i'm not sure...


                   Thanks,   Paul C

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 27 May 2004 Topic: Tadpole

I've had Tadpoles over winter on a number of ocasions, i find it's quite common but as long as your pond is quite deep no harm will come to your tadpoles :)

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 27 May 2004 Topic: more Cumbrian natterjack sightings

If you wish to see Natterjack toads - Northumberland coastline has hundreds, a wet night, spring being best time, drive along the sea road at Hauxley towards Ashington in Northumberland, literally Hundreds of them, shame you hit about 50 when your trying to aviod them in you car!

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 27 May 2004 Topic: pond water - can I use tap?

Can I jut point out a general rule when building ponds is - use tap water to fill the pond, plenty of pond weed too create oxygen and ONE bucket of pond water - from any local pond, that usually works well, so if your just adding a few buckets of tap water to pond water i doubt it will make much of an impact :)

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 27 May 2004 Topic: Fire-bellied toad?

I believe what might of happened is they have been pet's which have been released, this is extremely bad, they are not native to Britain and could really damage the eco-system of your pond, my advise is to take them to a local pet shop or basically kill them, there not good for your pond, alternatly you could try and raise them in a tank, if you want any info or help on this then just email me: - P.S. they wont survive the winter

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 28 May 2004 Topic: Help with frog - quite urgent

I put my spawn into a tank this year as i'm sure I have a pair of great crested newts who had a nice meal on my frogspawn last year.

If the frog is blind then it's probally just recently went blind as i monitor my pond, also he was slow to react to me touching him.

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 29 May 2004 Topic: Natterjack toad found kent-sussex border

Hi Laurie, just so you dont feel so stupid, i've dug up my copy of the complete british wildlife book by collins and the picture on page 133 looks exactly like yours except for the lateral line, the other thing is the common toad is shown as a olive-brown colouration which is the common colour. If you read the info on the Natterjack Toad it says: Body rather flattened with conspicuous yellow strpie down back. Persoanlly i'm not sure if your toad is a common or natterjack toad - it could be the angle ofthe photo missed the stripe, but the toad is quite flat...

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Posted: 29 May 2004 Topic: Natterjack toad found kent-sussex border

actually, a second viewing of the pictures shows that the toad's eyes are orange, a common toad's eyes are usually always orange around the edges while a Natterjack's are usually Yellow.

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 30 May 2004 Topic: Good Adder Day

Hey guyz, I cant believe i didn't have my camera with me yesterday, I was in Ingram Valley. Northumberland. Sportted 17 Adders, most I've seen for a while, if im correct it there was 7females and 10 males. All large in size. Mostly basking on rocks, a few in the heather... anyway just thought i'd let you know.

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Posted: 01 Jun 2004 Topic: Natterjack Toad

As i see this thread has died off, so i'd like to re-open it about Natterjacks in Northumberland beside Hauxley. There was a damp night a few days ago and I went along and saw 9 Natterjack toads with the stripes. They were near the roadside beside an bog and there is also a pond in a little valley on the sea side of the road. This is opposite a clump of forest and usually gets flooded in storms. There was also ALOT of common toads... The thing that surprise's me is there is never any toadspawn that I can find during the laying season, there is SOME frogspawn but theres another strange thing, theres never any frogs....


Paul C, Amble, Northumberland

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 01 Jun 2004 Topic: more Cumbrian natterjack sightings

I agree some of them are common but alot of them are natterjacks - ive posted on that thread you gave me..

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 02 Jun 2004 Topic: Natterjack Toad

I've emailed a picture to an admin - hopefully it will be posted soon..

Joined: 27 May 2004
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Posted: 02 Jun 2004 Topic: Natterjack Toad

sorry guyz, wrong photo, i got that one off google image search, it was in the same folder as my other natterjack toad picks, the one i meant to send was called natterjack toad, this one was called natterjack_toad - with the _ ill send proper one tommorow, ive got to go right now.

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