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Joined: 12 Jun 2004
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 12 Jun 2004 Topic: What do froglets eat?

In March we got some tadpoles and happily, we're now the proud "owners" of loads of little froglets!!
Now I keep wondering what tiny froglets actually eat. Does anybody know? I hope they can all find enough food.
(I also get a bit worried because if they hop in the wrong direction from the pond they fall down a step on to some concrete where there's nothing but some garden junk and a drain. I keep catching them and chucking them back in the pond...)
Thanks for any info!

Joined: 12 Jun 2004
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Posted: 15 Jun 2004 Topic: What do froglets eat?

Yes, I think they need to catch their own food now, so they'll just have to look after themselves now and go catch buglets...

I am getting worried though - I actually found 2 dead ones today in a jamjar lid of water that I'd put out on the concrete in case they were getting dry there. I also put lots of plant cuttings around for them to hide in and bridge the gap back up the step. So now they tend to sit in this area, which may be lacking in buglets. Maybe I should have a rounding up session and just put them in the flower beds...


Joined: 12 Jun 2004
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Posted: 16 Jun 2004 Topic: What do froglets eat?

Thanks Gemma, I hope that was it - although I had seen them climbing in and out of the jam jar lid so I thought it would be ok.  I've removed it now.

Anyway I caught a load and put them in the flower bed but I think there's lots more hiding under stones and in the wood pile.

I've also picked some leaves off the plum tree that are covered in green aphids.  But the froggies don't seem to go for them - maybe they're still too big for them.

I should have posted this in the frog forum really - I only just noticed it...  What a brilliant site!  And how nice to find other people equally doting on their emerging froggies!!  (The only thing is, most of the pictures that people have posted don't display for me.  Any ideas why?)

Joined: 12 Jun 2004
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Posted: 17 Jun 2004 Topic: What do froglets eat?

Oh they are stupid aren't they!?  But soooooo cute...

I'm pleased to report that some of ours have started hunting aphids now with a vengence.  Not that it's very hard to catch an aphid sitting on a leaf, but they arch their backs and really concentrate before zapping them double quick.  I saw one eat five in a row last night.

I hope you can get the bandwidth sorted out Gemma.  It's a really nice feature that people can post pictures in the forums but a bit expensive... especially when everyone's baby froglets are so photogenic!

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