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Posts by nennen:

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Joined: 06 Jul 2004
No. of posts: 3

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Posted: 06 Jul 2004 Topic: keeping newts?

on a recent visit to our local pet shop I was shocked to see that they had newts for sale??

I can clearly remember a chap coming into our school in the early 80's and explaining that we were no longer to pick them up!

I was soooo sad as my father had only just promised me a 3ft tank to keep some in! (do you think he knew that the law was changing so he wouldnt have to?) haha :)

so I was wondering are there any breeders in this country that I could but some from?? as I now have a 5ft fishtank standing empty but all ready to go, it has an undergravel air filter. and only part of the tank needs to be wet as it is so large.

we will be moving at the end of the year and plan to have pasture land next to the house in which I would like to re create the very large ponds of my youth filled with wild flowers and dragonflies so if they grew too big I could release them there.

do you think I am wearing rose coloured specs or could I achive my dream. (no shopping trolleys in my ponds)

Joined: 06 Jul 2004
No. of posts: 3

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Posted: 06 Jul 2004 Topic: pond water - can I use tap?

also try to do it on a week day as the water companies put more chemicals into their water at weekends to cope with the increased demand.

Joined: 06 Jul 2004
No. of posts: 3

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Posted: 06 Jul 2004 Topic: keeping newts?

AHHH! so I wouldn't be able to release them into a pond if they got too big !!

I'ts just that when I read that they can go th 12 cm's I thought that they would be happier outside.

Incidently when I was about 7years old my brother and I would go down to the local pond and watch the newts, the council had cleaned up the water and had even built a wooden platform right into the middle so that we could sit and watch quietly... the next thing my brother set off across the bank, he had caught a large lizard, I told him it was a newt and he called me stupid and pushed me over, we released it and went home fighting, you know the way kids shout... LIZARD... no LIZARD no newt...  WELL AT LONG LAST I CAN SAY "TOLD YOU IT WAS A NEWT!" HAHA:)

- Posts by nennen

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