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Posted: 27 Dec 2006 Topic: Xanthina or Lebetina

Didn't we already have this discussion a while back? Based on what I have been hearing and reading, I would regard them as follows =>

1) Montivipera xanthina = Macrovipera schweizeri
3) Vipera ammodytes
4) Vipera aspis
5) Vipera seoanei
6) Vipera berus
7) Vipera latastei
8) Vipera ursinii

The main thing remains that this is all very relative and this ranking is more like a game to us, rather than reliable scientific fact.


Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 03 Nov 2004 Topic: Natrix tessallata

@ David's post of 02 November 2004 at 5:31pm:

Zamensis should be Zamenis; Zamensis longissima => Zamenis longissimus

Dolichoplus should be Dolichophis

situla does not become situlus because it is a noun.


Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 03 Nov 2004 Topic: Natrix tessallata

BTW, to continue splitting hairs: the species which was (is) the initial subject of this thread is correctly written as Natrix tessellata.



Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 03 Nov 2004 Topic: Moroccan Rock Lizard

Dear all,

Has anyone among you ever observed Teira perspicillata (or Lacerta perspicillata or Podarcis perspicillata) on Menorca?



Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 16 Jun 2005 Topic: Found 15th June

Dear wynkin,

The snake is a juvenile Western Whip Snake (Hierophis viridiflavus). Check out the last picture on You can recognize part of the typical head pattern in your picture. Juvenile Western Whip Snakes definitely eat lizards.

With kindest regards,




Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 16 Jun 2005 Topic: Anguis cephallonica????????

Seems this one just went unresolved? This has to be Anguis cephallonica because (1) there's no fragilis around on Cephalonnia and (2) the longer snout (literally) points towards cephallonica too and (3) furthermore the coloration is very similar to the ones I have seen on the Peloponnese and in pictures. But I guess you know that for a while now, Matt ;-)

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 01 Apr 2006 Topic: ??????? non-reptile or amphibian

Well, there is of course the bombardier beetle (Brachinus crepitans), producing noxious substances like hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinones, but I doubt even that one is any threat to Homo sapiens. At worst a burning finger tip, I guess. Never encountered it, actually.

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 16 Mar 2007 Topic: frog eggs and fungi

Is there anyone who knows more about the fungal infection of frog eggs and what may cause it to increase (changes in temperature, pH, ...)?

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 19 Nov 2004 Topic: Podarcis hispanica

Don't those Andalucian animals belong to Podarcis vaucheri now? I'd sure prefer Podarcis hispanicus over hispanica but that's a different thing... Nice pattern in the top picture - reminds of Turkish Lacerta's.


Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 04 Jan 2005 Topic: Is Aesculapian snake still around?

I came across the pragmatic criterion of 70 years somewhere, though I can't remember where and when (sorry).

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 21 Jan 2005 Topic: Portugese Lizard

This is very probably Psammodromus algirus - Large Psammodromus. You can see a comparably coloured animal here =>

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 22 Jan 2005 Topic: Portugese Lizard

Hi again,

Nevermind those blue spots: they are not visible in all animals (mostly in males). The rough appearance is something I think you (or at least I) rarely really pay much attention to at first when you have a brief encounter with a lizard. E.g. take a look at the third picture on the page I proposed. Even from your picture, I am rather confident on the species ID and you (or again at least I) can see even a hint of the keeled scales on the sides of the neck. Psammodromus hispanicus doesn't have (only) 2 yellow dorsolateral stripes; Acanthodactylus erythrurus (and probably also P. hispanicus) would never occur in the type of habitat visible in the picture; the combination of red throat and yellowish belly - both deductable from the picture - exclude Podarcis, Iberolacerta and Lacerta (s.s.) spp; Algyroides is not around. Or that's at least how I ended up with calling it Psammodromus algirus. Furthermore, Psammodromus algirus is very common in Portugal. A larger snapshot of some resolution may reveal further scalation features, as Wolfgang rightfully requests, but I would be very surprised if it were to be another species after all.


Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 25 Jan 2005 Topic: New European Herp Information Database

Thanks for advertising, Wolfgang ;-)))

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 28 Jan 2005 Topic: New European Herp Information Database

@ administrator: links are more than OK, thank you very much - I can see here they are already having their effect.

@ Tony Phelps and anyone having trouble with login: feel free to send me an e-mail explaining the problems you encounter. You can find my address on the EUROHERP start page. I thought all problems were fixed but apparently not?

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 28 Jan 2005 Topic: New European Herp Information Database

I will check it out and get back to you.

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 28 Jan 2005 Topic: New European Herp Information Database

Tony, please try again - some temporary reboot and firewall stuff got in the way but all should work fine now. If not, just shout.

My apologies for the inconvenience. I hope you won't judge EUROHERP's value by this short black-out ;-).


Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 29 Jan 2005 Topic: New European Herp Information Database

Dear Tony,

I received today 2 (seemingly succesful) registrations from you. Are you able to login yet? User name and password should be in the automatic registration confirmation message, the former being most likely something like your name in one word (without space).

Sorry for all the trouble, even though I don't understand what's the problem. Please send me the content of the error page you might receive so I can have it checked with the page code if necessary. I would like to know what's wrong because besides yesterday's temporary trouble almost nobody reported any trouble and new registrations come in all the time.


Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 01 Feb 2005 Topic: Portugese Lizard

Thanks for that! The triangular scales on the sides of the neck are now better visible. Another thing (but that's more like "jizz" or a personal illusion) is that Psammodromus have a typical sharper snout profile. In other words - I stick to my first thought. Jeroen38385.3705208333

Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 12 Apr 2005 Topic: Italy 2005

Hi there,

Just returned from our first herp trip of the year 2005 =>



Jeroen Speybroeck
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Posted: 30 Apr 2005 Topic: Natrix maura or tesselata???

Hi Lee, for what it's worth - I agree with the ID. The dice snakes I have seen never had such obvious markings on the flanks and the zigzag is (still) visible quite well.

Jeroen Speybroeck

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