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Posted: 26 Jul 2003 Topic: Another toad found in Hackney

Hello Jo

I was very interested to see your message, about exotic amphibians in Hackney. I live in Clapton, and am hoping to do a voluntary placement with the London, Essex & Herts Amphibian & Reptile Trust from September. I'd be interested in helping you with a local leaflet survey etc. Do you know if any people in your area keep exotic amphibians?. Maybe the previous owners of your home did.
Here is my email address:

Please get in touch if you need any help and advice.
Danial Winchester

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 17 Sep 2004 Topic: Quite a Day!

Hi Lee,

What a great day you had. Fantastic pic of that female adder.
I'm hoping to have a good herp day tomorrow at Frensham, maybe I'll also get some good pics.

How is the Adders in Decline study going? I'm a student and live in london, and have noticed similar adder declines. Suitable habitat and public disturbance/persecution seem to be the main causes. Only good site I know is Epping Forest.

All the best with the work

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 19 Sep 2004 Topic: Quite a Day!

Hi Vicar

Yes I know what you mean about the weather yesterday. Didn't stay long either, pity but thats the way things go.


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 24 Sep 2004 Topic: Tuxedo

Hi Vicar

What a lovely pair of Common lizard pants! :-)
Did you find them on Frensham Common?. I also have a shed Common lizard skin, found at Frensham.


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 15 Jun 2005 Topic: Re: Epping Forest adder survey


Just wanted to know if anyone on the forum is getting involved with the Epping Forest adder/viv lizard survey next year? Its being run between BHS and Epping Forest Conservators/Corporation of London. I'm meeting up with some of the surveyors on 20th June, to have a look around the sites etc.
Anyway it would be nice to get in touch with anyone here involved before the day.


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 15 Jun 2005 Topic: Found 15th June

The toad is definately a common toad, and I think the snake is an Aesculapian snake too.
I'm sure that someone here like Wolfgang can confirm snake id


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 16 Jun 2005 Topic: Re: Epping Forest adder survey

Hi Lee,

Thanks will go along to the meeting, and see if we can organise something between the various projects.
Will you be attending?


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 17 Jun 2005 Topic: Re: Epping Forest adder survey

Will do Lee and will pm Graham's email address to you.

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 17 Jun 2005 Topic: Re: Epping Forest adder survey

Hi Jon,

The meeting is being organised by Graham Walters. I get the impression that there is a lack of information being circulated. Do you have Graham Walters contact details? If not then I will pm them to you.

I'd be interested in seeing your pics from your Skiathos trip, pity most of the snakes were dead.



Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 13 Feb 2006 Topic: Non-reptile fauna under tins

Yes tins are really good for small mammals.
I've found Wood mice, Common shrews and Field voles under tins. The most frequently found species is the one identified by Chris in the pic as the Field vole.

I've also been lucky enough to find a nest of baby voles under a tin.

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 19 Aug 2003 Topic: Now itos frogs in Hackney

Hi Jo,
The frogs are indeed marsh/edible green frogs, and probably have come from the Walthamstow marsh area. I'm working with the London, Essex & Herts Amphibian & Reptile Trust, from September. Its a student placement, and I'm very interested in finding out more about exotic and native herps in the borough of Hackney. I live very near Walthamstow marshes, in Upper clapton road. I'd appreaciate if you could contact me, with any more sitings you find, or any friends/neighbours find please. My email address is
The Trust email is


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 07 Apr 2004 Topic: Hartland dust bowl

I am absolutely appalled at the destruction done under the guidance and subsequent praise of EN/NT. I would be very interested to hear their reasoning behind the act.
I'm a student studying animal biology and conservation, and I find it truly sad that a statutory conservation body such as EN, could encourage this "Habitat Improvement"!. The more I hear from other herpetologist and conservationists, the more I get the impression that EN is neither trusted or respected.
I'm sure like others on this forum, I wish Tony all the best with his pursuit of this case.


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 22 May 2004 Topic: surveying grass snakes

Just a reply to Gemma's comment about the forgotten art of visual surveying. I'm a student and currently surveying reptiles on a work placement. Because I don't have access to a car, I can't use artificial refugia.
Therefore the only technique I can use is visual. It is very hard but ultimately rewarding, especially when you find the animal after prolonged and careful searching.
I've come across a few Grass snakes now, and amazed at how widespread they are across the Greater London area, where I'm based. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Adders, who are the main target species of my current survey work.

Good luck with your field work Mark.

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 23 Aug 2004 Topic: 1 day old slow worms

Hi Mark

Well done for rescuing those slow worms from those people. You could try feeding the young on small insects, maybe woodlice or even aphids as well as small slugs. You could also try small worms and possibly mealworms.

Anyway all the best

P.S Did you find any adders near Merrits Wood when you did your surveys?.

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 25 Aug 2004 Topic: Bumper Year in Lincs?

There are lots of juvenile common lizards here in London, however a majority of the ones I saw today were new borns. Quite a few juvenile slow worms too. All the common lizards are quick to bask in between the downpours.


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 25 Aug 2004 Topic: Frensham

Hi Alan,

I was at Frensham on Saturday and saw 3 sand lizards, plus quite a number of common lizards. Took some pics (not digital) and just waiting for them to be processed. Hopefully they'll come out, although your pic is very impressive.


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 06 Sep 2004 Topic: Lizard Tracks ??

Hi Vicar,

The tracks look like they had been made by a lizard, you can see where the feet have been and the tail. These were probably made by a Sand lizard, especially as you mentioned you were in Sand lizard country.
Very nice picture btw.


Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 18 Feb 2005 Topic: Adder papers

Does anyone have the following papers:

Prestt, I. 1971. An ecological study of the viper Vipera berus in southern Britain. J. Zool. Lond.

Gooch, B. 1694. Young adders (Vipera berus) feeding in captivity. Brit. J. Herp. 3.

I'd be grateful if scans could be emailed to me at

Many thanks
Danial Winchester

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 29 Mar 2005 Topic: Spare copy of British Herpetofauna anyone

Hi Angelo,
Firstly congratulations on the PhD at CEH, and also try Abebooks on
They are secondhand & out of print book specialists. There is also a Paperback version with ISBN 0002200548, and priced ú19.99.

All the best

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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Posted: 05 Apr 2005 Topic: first sighting

Great picture and beautiful markings.

Consultant Ecologist and Amphibians Officer of Surrey Amphibian and Reptile Group

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