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Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 20 Jul 2005 Topic: Great Crested Newt Pictures

Hi all, I hope you dont mind me joining in on this thread. I have been a 'lurker' on the site for the past 18months and have learnt a great deal from everyone. I haven't posted before as I am a novice when it comes to the scientific aspects of herpitology so didn't feel qualified to add much to most threads, not that i find the site un-welcoming, far from it, i really enjoy it. Anyway I am a keen 'amateur' photographer and was lucky enough this year to be granted my first 'license' from English Nature to photograph GCN, I explained that i had dug a small pond in my parents back garden 8 years or so ago and last year for the first time they had GCN. Could i have a license to remove and photograph them, I went into detail about how i would do this. I sent them various images I'd taken of other reptiles and amphibians and thankfully they said 'yes'. 

I have this site to thank for the newts arrival, as they had always had newts in the garden but never in the pond. They'd dissapear at breeding season so i'd never seen one with a 'crest'. My parents had fish in the pond, which gradually got eaten by a heron (sorry fish) I told them not to restock as these may be part of the reason for no newts, i had read this on the site, about fish eating the eggs.

So anyway here are a couple of my GCN images, I was very keen to cause as little interfearance as possible so only actually removed newts on 2 occasions, for no more than 30mins, I'd already set up a tank in their house using water from their pond. What do you think? I will try and get a license again for next year. they may say no, I dont know how it works, so any improvements I may be able to make then. I've already read Gemma's suggestion, so that's worth trying.

Brett I hope you dont think I'm butting in on your thread, I thought it was a good opportunity to say 'hello' as I've noticed a lot of great photographs have started to appear on the site, and reptile photography interests me.

Sorry to ramble on, cheers for now


Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 20 Jul 2005 Topic: Great Crested Newt Pictures


Thanks a lot, I see you a member of Kent Reptile & Amphibian group. I live in Stockport (Nr Manchester) but dont seem to be able to find any info on a local group. Are you aware of any group around my area, I would love to further my knowledge and learn more about our species.

Thanks again


Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 20 Jul 2005 Topic: Great Crested Newt Pictures

Gemma, no problem glad to be of some help. Just tell me how to send them and what size etc...



Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 21 Jul 2005 Topic: Great Crested Newt Pictures

Gemma, have just e-mailed you the GCN photo's hope the attachments work OK.

Lee thanks so much for the contact name, I will certainly contact him and see if i can get involved in some way.



Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 03 Apr 2006 Topic: Lenses


The Sigma 70-300mm APO has always been a very good quality lens and obviously when you've got a set budget that can limit your choice. Personally I don't think having a maximum aperture of f2.8 is a major concern a) when shooting close ups b) using a Digital SLR. As normally on close ups you want as much Depth of Field as possible, this is achieved by stopping the lens down (shooting at a small aperture eg f11-f32) and if you are struggling for light when normally the extra stop (1 shutter speed faster) of the f2.8 over the f4 would be a benefit, you can afford to increase the ISO on the Digital to give you the faster shutter speed as the quality of Digital at higher ISO's is better than using higher ISO film. I think you would be very pleased with the results from the Sigma lens and you could always upgrade at a later stage if want to.

Hope this helps a bit


Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 11 Jul 2006 Topic: New Forest help

I am holidaying in the New Forest the first week in August and was wondering if any one could recommend any good herp sites, especially Smooth or Grass Snakes, I realise sites are not to be braodcast to everyone. I am a keen photographer and have recently been involved with the make Adders count survey organised by Chris Monk in Derbyshire. I currently have a Licence from English Nature to photograph GCN, so hopefully this shows my integrity when it comes to both site security and the subjects welfare. I have holidayed in the New Forest a number of times, I love it as an area, but I am developing more of an interest in herps, especially since my frequent trips to Derbyshire to count and photograph the Adders, but don't really know the area well enough to know the best sites. I am staying around Lyndhurst but know the Bealieu heath area fairly well. If anyone in the area, photographer or not fancied meeting up for a couple of hours (I'm sure I can pursuade the misses to spend a few hours shopping), or if anyone could suggest locations it would be really appreciated. If for site integrity reasons you would rather contact me off forum that would be fine. I don't mind travelling further a field for a good site.


ps I did see one Adder on my last visit in the Shirley Holmes area, but that was a glancing view, and a Grass snake around Hatchet pond 3 years ago (didn't have my camera with me, typical photographer!)

Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 11 Jul 2006 Topic: New Forest help

Hi Jon

Thanks so much for the offer, I'll definitely take you up on it. I tried to send you a PM but it said you're limit had been exceeded? or something like that. Could you e-mail me on info(at) and we can discuss further.


Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 26 Feb 2007 Topic: Early emergence

Hi John

I was also out on at one of the sites in Derbyshire, I managed 11 individuals, with 4 on one bank. It was early afternoon in the bright sunshine, need to get myself a thermometer. Got a GPS after seeing Chris (Monk) with his last year, so I've got accurate locations to feedback to him, but thermometer would be useful! I also saw a Black Common Lizard, which i haven't seen before, are they common? I thought it was a slug at first, it was in thick vegetation but got very close view, couldn't manage a photo beacause of its position, my 180mm macro is great but not good for poking in thick vegetation!


Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 08 Mar 2007 Topic: Adder 2007!

A few pics from Derbyshire yesterday. Recorded 17 Males which is the most I have personally seen in one session (it's only my second year of monitoring!)


Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 08 Mar 2007 Topic: Adder 2007!

Hi Jon

Yeah it's part of the Make Adders Count, it's just great to see them and the more I visit the more I learn, just sit and observe them, and obviously take some photo's along the way.


Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 09 Mar 2007 Topic: Adder 2007!

Hi John

There were 2 males by the start of the trees. I mentioned to Chris that I saw a Stoat in full white winter coat, jumping and twirling as they do, around the base of the bank with the 8 Adders on, do Stoat feed on Adder or vice versa or was it just a coincidence? I couldn't see how it would have panned out as 2 walkers approached and the Stoat ran off.


Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 28 Dec 2007 Topic: New Forest help

Hi Folks
I'm a bit confused myself, I haven't logged on for a while but always have a
read of the threads. I don't know what 'Kinder' is referring too, sounds as
though it's supposed to be funny, because of the winky smiley... but have to
say it does make me sound a bit sinister 'know the truth'. So whoever this
new member is 'Kinder' maybe they can enlighten us all. It seems very
strange to add to a post that I made in July 2006???? As for me 'counting'
Adders a quick phone call or e-mail to Chris Monk will verify that I have
submitted all my findings to him for the last 2 years while I've been involved
in the 'Make Adders count' scheme.
Happy Christmas to all (a bit late) and have a great New Year.

Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 28 Dec 2007 Topic: New Forest help

Oh I realise who 'Kinder' is, it's Geoff Simpson. How's it going Geoff long
time no see. Are you still over here or in Portugal? Hope you're well. Still not
sure what you're referring too, what is 'the truth....' but at least i know who
posted the comment.

Graham Ella
Joined: 20 Mar 2005
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Posted: 31 Dec 2007 Topic: New Forest help

Thanks Chris for posting. I'm sure the original post by Geoff Simpson
'Kinder' was intended to be humourous but for peolpe that don't know me,
it did make me sound a little 'sinnister'. Yes, I am into my photography BUT
there were times last year that I just went out, without a camera to monitor
the Adders, because i could cover more ground and hopefully find more (23
was the most) . I am new to it, and Chris has tought me a lot, so didn't want
anything to jeapordise my chances of carrying on next year.
Thanks for stepping in and closing off this thread.
Hope you all have a great New Year, and hopefully I'll find the first Adder of
2008, oh, and photograph it   

Graham Ella

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