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Posts by Daniel S:

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Daniel S
Joined: 24 Mar 2005
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 24 Mar 2005 Topic: Iodine for tadpoles

I have a book written by a naturalist called gerald durrell, it has a small part about keeping tadpoles and experiments with them, one of the experiments is to add a few drops of iodine to the water tank or whatever you use to keep them in it apparently speeds up growth, is this true? 

Daniel S
Daniel S
Joined: 24 Mar 2005
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 25 Mar 2005 Topic: Giant Tadpole

Last May (2004) when I  was at my nans house i was looking in her pond and found and caught about 25 huge tadpoles they were about 4 inches long.I think i caught most of them so why were they all so big not just 1 or 2 ? They were like the one in the picture but had smaller heads and a few had back legs.

Daniel S38436.472974537

Daniel S
Daniel S
Joined: 24 Mar 2005
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 25 Mar 2005 Topic: Decrease in tadpoles

Every year since i was aboout 6 i have taken out some frogspawn from my nan's pond to watch it develop into froglets then i release it there used to be masses of tadpoles all swimming around but after we emptied the pond to make it bigger the amount of tadpoles has got lower and lower each year, why is this? there is a lot of goldfish in the pond and a lot of newts could it be this?

Daniel S
Daniel S
Joined: 24 Mar 2005
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 28 Apr 2005 Topic: Giant Tadpole

aobut the tadpoles in my nans pond,they are definitely gone but they had smaller heads than the one in the picture and the tails were about 3 and a half inches only some had back legs an they were a brwony colour???????????????

Daniel S

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