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Posted: 01 Feb 2006 Topic: 2006 is comino to life!

My pond here in East Devon has been covered in ice for about a week now. I had torch looked a few nights before the freeze but nothing about. I am keeping a small area free of ice. However it's a new pond so looking forward to see what spring will bring.

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Posted: 22 Dec 2006 Topic: Seasons Greetings

Best wishes to everyone and hope 2007 is good to you.

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Posted: 07 Mar 2009 Topic: Blackwater Adders

Others will correct me I'm sure, but isn't the central zig-zag the clue? Black for males, dark brown for females?

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Posted: 07 Mar 2009 Topic: Blackwater Adders

Course I forgot the clue of the tail shape. although this isn't always too easy to see if they're half hidden and slope off without showing the tail.

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Posted: 11 Mar 2009 Topic: first signs of breeding

Lovely pix. The second one down looks like they're posing! Or about to sing the Frog Chorus!

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Posted: 15 Mar 2009 Topic: frogs


Don't want to be a copy cat but yesterday I walked up the marshes/fields by the River Axe (East Devon) and saw plenty of spawn in the ditches. I thought a few clumps which were in positions where there was only the one clump looked kind of smaller than common frog spawn - the jelly was smaller and possibly the actual black blobs were smaller too, although I realise this could just indicate newly laid. What was puzzling was the strange continuous croaking which I've never heard before. I didn't hear any typical frog calling. Unfortunately didn't see any frogs at all. I know some frog calls are on the Internet so I'll have a listen later.

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Posted: 16 Sep 2007 Topic: Forum outage

Seems I put my message in the wrong place when I found the forum was back...but just to say again thanks Gemma, missed you all. I'd almost thought the forum would never return - how sad that would be for everyone.

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Posted: 18 Sep 2007 Topic: Best Photos Ever

Cats are very bad news for slow worms. There are slow worms in the gardens where I live (East Devon town) but many fall victims to cats.

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Posted: 18 Sep 2007 Topic: LAST SPOTTINGS OF THE YEAR

A few years ago was visiting Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire the third week in November on a nice clear, but frosty, morning and found a dead baby grassie in one of the rides. OK not a thriving specimen but it looked fresh so must have been on the move then.

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Posted: 18 Sep 2007 Topic: Best Photos Ever

Dan which lake do you live near?

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Posted: 25 Feb 2008 Topic: fav pics

Slow worms that shed their tails never have the same agility again. I've watched them and they just don't.

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Posted: 25 Feb 2008 Topic: HAVE WE A PROBLEM HERE?

Yep Gemma is the only one to tell us off! I was worried as we have lost this forum a few times and the first signs of things going wrong was multiple postings by new unknown members.

No offence intended.

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Posted: 25 Feb 2008 Topic: WHAT NO MORE 2008 SLOWORMS

My slow worms never appear before March. The heap they live in has been warm recently but I know from past years that won't matter as they stick to their dates.

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Posted: 18 Jun 2005 Topic: Any tips for hot weather?

I have found that tins are good places when it is very hot, say at lunchtime. I think you'll find someone else comments on this elsewhere. The tins might be too hot to touch but surprisingly adders can often be found underneath. You might think they'd be absolutely fried - but not so.

Other than that I guess you'd need to get out and about early if it's going to be a scorcher as everything will be warming up quickly and moving off. You'll know that anyway!


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Posted: 18 Jun 2005 Topic: Any tips for hot weather?

Just thought - if you don't know Allerthorpe (I certainly don't) you won't know if there are any tins down.

Probably duff advice therefore - sorry!

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Posted: 19 Jun 2005 Topic: Slow Worm spotted (and rescued!)

Well yes makes a water gun rather obsolete!

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Posted: 06 Feb 2006 Topic: Rana T. Movements 2006 - So far....

Here in East Devon we've been locked into some very cold weather for over a week. After a hard frost yesterday morning we had a warm sunny day. My pond still has some ice on but it is a bit milder today. The ground had been frozen for over a week with daytime temps. hovering around zero or below. I would think here it would need to warm up a bit for any movements of frogs. Several of us locally have ponds so I'll let you know if any sightings.

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Posted: 09 Feb 2006 Topic: Rana T. Movements 2006 - So far....

TV, no it is a new pond from last September. However I think a frog is hibernating in there in the mud. Pond frozen again this morning and then again by early evening today. I am keeping an eye out!

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Posted: 10 Feb 2006 Topic: Early adders?

No I haven't seen any but was out on Aylesbeare Common for over an hour at midday looking. It was lovely and sunny but all ponds frozen and the ground frozen in places. No signs of any adders. I was looking for them lying out but understand this would be near hibernaculums at this time of year. Not sure where these are so perhaps wasting my time looking in their usual haunts.

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Posted: 01 Apr 2006 Topic: Six Legged Common Toad!!!!!!

Gemma I'm noting the date on this. Is it significant?


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