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Joined: 10 May 2003
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 10 May 2003 Topic: tadpole

I am a novice with ponds and tadpoles...

I also have tadpoles for the first time.  I re-filled a small garden pond last autumn and in early March/Late Feb I noticed a large amount of frog spawn (I live in the West Midlands).  Unfortunatley my pond leaks and I have been re-filling with water and adding some 'fresh start' pond treatment - I don't know if I am adding too much or too little but so far the tadpoles are doing well.  I am now only 'topping up' with a very small amount of the fresh start and am using my watering can instead of using the hose - will the tap water be ok without the fresh start/can I use too much of the fresh start ?  (It needs topped up once a week at the moment.)

I only added a couple of airiating plants when I re-filled the pond.  It has a big bush and trees nearby and they have provided leaves at the bottom of the pond.  It looks like there is some vegitation growing on the op of the pond (very small light green 'leaves').  I added some barley hay when I noticed the frogsawn to try and keep the water ok.  I have no idea if this is enough for the water health and that of the tadpoles.

An adult frog  returns to the pond and sits in the water every couple of days...and the tadpoles look very large now (but still with no legs).  I noticed one that was dying yesterday and hope its not due to the water quality ? The tadpoles appear to be black but the one that was dying looked brown/reddish.

Is there anything else I can do - should I be feeding the tadpoles/is there enough food for them.  There must be at least a hundred or so in the pond - and its small (around 3ft by 4ft - I wasn't planning on the tadpoles !).

Should I be doing anything to make sure they are ok in terms of how I re-fill with water ?

Joined: 10 May 2003
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 25 May 2003 Topic: tadpole


Thanks very much for your help.   I have started to remove  duckweed as it has started to overtake the surface of the pond - not all of it - leaving it to cover just under half of the pond.

Will also leave the water standing for a couple of days before topping-up.

Thanks again



Joined: 10 May 2003
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 02 Jul 2003 Topic: Common Frog Identification & Sightings

I hope this is where I report my frogs.

Garden pond (quite small). One batch of frogs left pond now (20-30) mid-June. They travelld South direction. Next batch were toads (10-20)left pond late June - the toads went north. Next batch of tadpoles to frogs/toads probably 2 weeks away.

Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands

Any idea why they went in different directions/why all frogs went in same direction ?



Joined: 10 May 2003
No. of posts: 4

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Posted: 02 Jul 2003 Topic: Common Frog Identification & Sightings

Sorry, I forgot to ask another question (its the first time I've had tadpoles). It looks as if the frogs just went. They don't appear to have come back. Is this what they do ?


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