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Posted: 03 Aug 2005 Topic: Where to look in Dorset?

Hi there, I am new here, Im a 19 year old male from Essex, and since I was 8 almost every year I have been going on holiday to Poole in Dorset in order to see the Reptiles and mphibians that are so plentiful there. I used to be a member of the herpotlogical society and because of this am aware of a secret reserve for them deep in the island of purbeck. However seeing them in this location, (some of you may know the place) proves a tough job in both getting there, and the fact that Im not sure of the legality of me being there without official herps.  Other than that I have tried places like studland heath, canford heath and various other places with only minor success, although I was lucky enough to see a Smooth snake once in canford heath.

I am going to Dorset in 10 days  and would like to know of the sort of times of the day, and exact spots where I am likely to see Smooth snakes, Sand lizards, and really all the reptiles/amphibians you can.  s I say, despite hours of roaming heathlands in studland and canford I have only had limited success, even using the tops to spot them, can anyone offer advice on exact locations!





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Posted: 03 Aug 2005 Topic: Where to look in Dorset?

Ah, I wasnt aware I needed a liscence :-s.  urely though how could anyone know  wheather u were looking for a specific species or not :s

I choose Dorset because Poole is a nice destination for lots of different things but I always found the time to relax and look for some of favourite animals.

If you could let me know of some places in essex where reptiles are plentiful I would like to know, as the only place I know of a specific adder-rich spot in epping forest.








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Posted: 03 Aug 2005 Topic: Where to look in Dorset?

I understand, but what Im trying to make clear is that  when I have seen Sand Lizards and smooth snakes its been whilst searching in general.

It seems to make no sense as how could people be prosicuted for just generally walking and searching about, no-one could know you were specificly after sand lizards and smooth snakes, and the heaths in dorset are open to everyone, if I walk past a sand lizard basking, and watch it Im pretty sure thats not breaking the law.  I am as keen as anyone to protect the endangered species but Im just a bit confused about this law thing.

I am only a general watcher at the momment because I simply havent the time at the present period to get right into it but I do like to wander around the heaths and that and see what I can find.

The bit that confuses me is that if you are generally jus wandering around the places how could anyone tell if you was searching specificly for smooth snakes and sand lizards, as many animals inhabit the  areas in question.

I ask because Im slightly worried now, the heaths and quarrys say nothing about needing liscences to walk about on them :-s.

Maybe you was under the impression I was going to special reserves or something.




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Posted: 03 Aug 2005 Topic: Where to look in Dorset?

well Im confused, because surely if you happen upon one of the reptiles whilst walking in a perfectly public place, there is no law that can disallow this.. and also if anyone did say anything how are they to know exactly what species you are looking for  I am slightly worried now since I fequent the heaths and grasslands of Dorset!


I have also been a BHS member in the past and dontremember that being the case before.

On another note, the first replyer if you could let me know about the things that go on in essex and how to join them, would be a start.


On  a further note, why have I been rated 1 star just because I was curious about the sand lizard/smooth snake situation. I find this highly unfriendly as I was just interested to get back into Herpatology and have been slightrly put off by the attitude I have recieved :(





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Posted: 04 Aug 2005 Topic: Where to look in Dorset?

Ok thanks for the reply, I was a little concerned I would get blackballed, if people were thinking I was questioning the law, I wasnt  argueing against it but I was concerned I could've got arrested for things I didnt know I couldve.  Evidently  that is exactly the case as I was not aware of the liscence. Thanks for the info I will try and get hold of a liscence at some point, and look into the other things. Its a shame I dont have my own means of transport yet as getting to Dorset means asking a  friend or family member, but we do all like that area and usually go once a year for  a week or 2.

Obviously not knowing of the liscence, I have previously seen sand lizards and smooth snakes in Dorset and  at one point found a particular place had a big decline in snakes of all kinds between 1996 and present day, perhaps you would like to add me to a private messenger and I could ask about this as its always been something I have wondered, since(rightly so) we arent allowed to discuss locations  on hhere :-)




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Posted: 04 Aug 2005 Topic: Where to look in Dorset?

h right lol sorry other forums I am on base it upon what other members rate people.  My mistake  



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Posted: 05 Aug 2005 Topic: Thniking of going to France

I was thinking about visiting France looking for Reptiles and amphibians that are there. What sort of   animals do they get there that we do not in the U.k? and also where  is the best places in France to go to if you are looking for them. 

Would like to know what I could expect to find there.





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Posted: 05 Aug 2005 Topic: Thniking of going to France

So is brittany a good place to go then :-). What did you see while you were there?


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Posted: 07 Aug 2005 Topic: Where to look in Dorset?

Just a general question in regards to  other species and liscences etc.

Do you need any form of liscence to find/photograph or handle Slow worms, Common lizards and grass snakes and adders? Only when I went on a herp day out once in Epping forest we were allowed to hold common lizards in the correct manner.

ObviouslyI would not reccommend attempting to handle adders, but I was just curious.






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Posted: 07 Aug 2005 Topic: Essex Amphibian & Reptile Group needs you

Hi there, I live in Braintree essex and may well be interested in this. Should I give a call, or drop in and visit?



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Posted: 08 Aug 2005 Topic: Where to look in Dorset?

Im really confused now, so it is ok for me to  see Sand Lizards/Smooth snakes and take pictures in the heath without a liscence so long as I am not destroying their habitat or causing damage to shelter, such as  corrungated iron etc, or touching the animals?

This law seems rather unclear  because one persons saying one thing and ones saying another,and I would like a definitive answer really since its not long before I visit Poole now!






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Posted: 12 Aug 2005 Topic: Pool frogs to be reintroduced today

Does this technically make this frog now classed as Native since it was Native? or is it still classed as alien?  My thoughts would be native!



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Posted: 18 Aug 2005 Topic: Pictures of reptiles from Dorset

I went to Dorset for a  short holiday  from last friday til wednesday, and in that time got to see some of the reptiles in the area.  Dave Bird who  is a regular here was kind ewnough to meet up with me and  take me over one of the good spots and heres some pictures from both my friends camera, and Daves!  The first pic is clearly a male Wall Lizard at Canford Cliffs



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Posted: 18 Aug 2005 Topic: Pictures of reptiles from Dorset

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Posted: 18 Aug 2005 Topic: Pictures of reptiles from Dorset

Smooth snake above( trying to remember if its males or females who are the more coppery red colour).



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Posted: 18 Aug 2005 Topic: Pictures of reptiles from Dorset

Another gorgeous Smoothie!

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Posted: 18 Aug 2005 Topic: Pictures of reptiles from Dorset

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Posted: 18 Aug 2005 Topic: Pictures of reptiles from Dorset

Above- A Grass snake ready to shed its skin!

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Posted: 18 Aug 2005 Topic: Pictures of reptiles from Dorset


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Posted: 18 Aug 2005 Topic: Pictures of reptiles from Dorset

Baby smooth snake

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