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Posted: 24 Feb 2003 Topic: The Friends of Brickfields Country Park

The Friends of Brickfields Country Park were formed in 1992 by a group of local residents wanting to become involved the furtherance of a local amenity. Associated to Blackwater Valley Countryside Service and operating under license from Rushmoor Borough Council as part of the Parks Department, we perform varied conservation tasks from rubbish clearing to building new paths and habitat management. The park is used on a regular basis by local schools for nature studies and is open everyday of the year, so please help us to keep the park tidy.

FBCP welcome involvement from the public as occasional volunteers or members. Work parties are usually held in the park on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 1:30pm onwards, meeting in the center of the park at the picnic area. No special skills are needed, just some strong footwear!, and a willingness to contribute to your environment. The work covers many topics from pond clearance to path building and more, we are insured for public liability, tools are provided and safety is covered before starting.

For further details and information see and task dates and events see

Updated 19/5/2005
Brickfields Park - "Fur & Feathers" Wildlife Fun Day.

Sunday 3rd July, 11am to 4pm. (location map here).
With Millers Ark Animals Mobile Farm, displays and stalls from local environment and wildlife groups, hot and cold refreshments, games, quizzes, bouncy castle, tombola, cake stall and our own brand "Brickfield" jams.

Attractions booked so far -

* Blackwater Valley Management -
With their display of wildlife in the Blackwater Valley and a dip in Brickfields pond
* Millers Ark Animals - Ducks, Goats, Geese, Rabbits, Cattle, and other
farmyard animals, for you to see and interact with.
* R.S.P.C.A. - with their produce & information stall.
* North Surrey Badger Group - with their produce & information stall about Brock and his friends.
* Ray of Hope Animal Sanctuary - with games and quizzes, many of our small
furry friends and "Henry".
* Birds of Prey handling & display.

Sponsored again this year by The Hire Center, in St. Joseph's Road
Aldershot. Without the help of local companies we would at times be unable
to do some of our conservation work and also stage events like the Fun Day.
Our grateful thanks go to them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
There is still stand / stall space at this popular local event, if you would
like to take part, book space or just for further information email Mike -

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 17 Mar 2003 Topic: Early adder sightings

> I saw quite a few adders out in County Durham yesterday... 

Adder them to the forum distribution maps.

> There was also plenty of frogspawn about, but no toadspawn yet,

This weekend we had our first toadspawn for the year.


Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
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Posted: 31 Mar 2003 Topic: Targeted survey vs. accidental sighting

In my case it's because I am actively looking for species that are supposed / do exist in the park or it's locale, though I would not call it a 'targeted' survey. We are 'targeting' Great Creasted as they had been reported for the park a few years ago but not seen since, Newts have been seen but not to identify yet, other than the size says they would not be Great Crested.


Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
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Posted: 17 Apr 2003 Topic: Damage to key refugia

If that was "management" done by  "Nat Trust under EN guidance" what hope have we, words escape me.

We too are well into the fire season, the park has had a few over the last few weeks and the Army ranges / heathland  not to far away were well alight last night. We used to have 5 fire stations now it's 1, as for police forget it.

"Paranoid & Pessimistic", add depressed and saddened.


Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 09 May 2003 Topic: A taste of Turkey


I have been to that part of Rome several times including the Collosseo but I was not into Reptiles and the like then.  Some parts of the Collosseo were open to the public but I suspect that you will need some form of permission to get into the off limits areas.

There are other areas (ruins) in Rome that are more remote to the public even in the city center, these should be better for viewing Lizards, but for the life of me I can't remember where, I'll have to get my Rome map out.

Feral cats were everywhere !.

Enjoy!, I am most envious, a beautiful city.


Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 09 May 2003 Topic: Todays Sightings


Could scan it for you if that helps, can't do slides though.

I'm in Aldershot, or Camberley during the day.

Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 19 May 2003 Topic: Commercial breeding

June "Wildlife" magazine has just turned up.

In an article on wildlife in a Bristol garden (starts page 42) there is a diagram on what can be done to introduce wildlfe into your garden. Text for a "smaller pond " goes (repeated verbatim) -

"The pond was rapidly colonised by frogs and smooth newts; commercially bred toad tadpoles and great crested newts are being introduced."

"Commercially bred" - illegal surely ?


Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 21 May 2003 Topic: Worms ?

Really off topic this is!, but any help appreciated.

Went out to our garden pond last night to spot what I could of the newts, frogs and such.  What I found I was not expecting, a large, off white worm of some kind. About 10cm long tapering from on end to the other, what I would call the 'head' end (as it did all the movement and appeared to be searching) was the narrowest and had a round mouth. Along the body the animal went from round at the head to flat at the tail.

Worm or leech?, initially I thought leech as the tail end appeared to be anchored, now I wonder if it is a flatworm of some kind?



Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 09 Jun 2003 Topic: Pond Life

Yup, me too.

Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 27 Jun 2003 Topic: Newt larvae

Untill we got the grass growing to the edge of our pond I placed a weighted plank in the pond up to the edge so that the young frogs and newts had a way out. Once yo get the pond made and stabilised you will be amazed at what arrives.
Don't forget to somehow segregate or surround the pond from young children if you have any.


Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 07 Jul 2003 Topic: Developers & BAP Species

Hi, (and apologies for the length)

Very off topic, but some of you may be able to help with advice please.

I have been contacted by a gentleman trying to save an area of land in the center (almost) of Aldershot. The 2.6ha site lies within a conservation area and has an history association being mentioned in the Crondall One Hundred in 885A.D.; identifying the area as part of King Alfred's private estate. The area was the former Annex part of the Farnborough College of Technology, sold off (to Barratts for ú8.5M) a couple of years ago for development. Planning permisson has been refused a couple of times but is provisional for 128 homes.

The point is that the site would appear to have key BAP species, but no surveys of the site were offically done by the council prior or subsequent to the site being sold or during demolition. The local authority never
insisted on an Environmental Impact Study to be undertaken by the developer who has since sold the land to another developer. The group trying to fight
this development has been told that they would have to mount a legal challenge to the development, but time and money is non existant. I believe there is a Judicial Review Hearing on the 17th September 03 to address

Who can be contacted in such a situation, the council is prevaracating, and English Nature don't want to know (denying they need to be involved apparently).

I have a list of species if anybody wants to see it (70 wildflowers, 30 grasses, Pippistrelles and a number of UKBAP & English Nature SPR's).


Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 08 Jul 2003 Topic: Developers & BAP Species


I will get back with info on the Judicial Review when I find out.


Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 10 Jul 2003 Topic: Developers & BAP Species

Mervyn, now had a reply about the Judicial Review. Copied directly from Lee's email.



The Judicial Review is lodged over this business of RBC not carrying out/insisting on the developer completing an Environmental Impact Study.  As you know to get awarded a judicial review in any case is rare - so there must be a good case.

Our solicitors have changed their stance to a 'no win, no fee' and we need to raise ú2400 to see us to the end of the JR.  The date set is for the 17 Sept and we feel RBC are expecting our funds not stretching that far and that we will back down.

I have not yet spoken to Chris Hall, This is the next key step for us, if he can persuade English Nature with a proper recognised report that there is sufficient evidence on our findings it will really add some weight to our case.  As you know we have been through a Public Inquiry and a huge campaign over this whole business with TV & radio,
papers etc, which has resulted in lots of interest (and sympathy) but it will not budge the authorities.  This is our last ditched angle of attack. We intend (after the report) running our biggest media campaign.  We have to be careful with who speak's to who, so we do not compromise ourselves with certain personalities within the group as far as the JR is concerned. John Moon from the Hampshire Greenfield Alliance has been helpful and has recommended Blackwater Valley FOE & The Hampshire Wildlife Trust.  I have sent many emails this evening to these and all those recommended by the Urban Parks Forum through you.  The Urban Parks Forum people in their email
mentioned 'groundwork', who are these people? Under your heading of campaigning in one of your emails we have pretty much all that you suggested.  We had an email site under AMPLEE which is now dated and as for the political arena my trust has diminished considerably as many have 'slopey shoulders'.

I have a copy of the bat report on file if you would like a copy.  I have attached an updated list  from Joanna our resident amateur wildlife entrepreneur.


I have asked for a copy of the bat report, Updated list available here, Groundwork are here




Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 11 Jul 2003 Topic: More of my Adders at Hindhead

That view of bracken looks familiar Gemma, can't remember the name of the area, at the top of the slope is there a wide mown path ?, no, not the same place then but must be close.

When are the progs airing ?, at least we should watch this "Libeleous" action , and I'll get to see what Tony looks like Big smile.

"Environmental politics", planning depts, EN - dispair, Nuke'em I say.



Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 15 Jul 2003 Topic: Bit of lust!

I still can't get over that one, just sat there and looked at you, come and get me!, or is that come over and see me sometime. Some of those red eared were a bit sprightly, had a devil of a job with a couple of them, after you making it look so easy, still the missus liked me in the rubber gear! Wink

Interactive ? Confused, just what DO you do to get a terry to "interact", the mind boggles. Perhaps a training program is in order for bored terries, "catch the frisbee" or "chase a mate" although that seems to be coming naturally.

Come when you call, call her what ? - oi you!.

Any more evidence of nesting / viable young, especially in this heat ?

That large Aligator Snapper in Manor Park was eventually caught when the pond was drained for repair, that was large!.



Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 17 Jul 2003 Topic: DEFRA Review of Non-native Species Policy

Hi, hope this helps  (I couldnt get the link to work)

link is

To actually get the pdf files rather than open them on-line, right click on each pdf link (when you get to the above page) and choose "Save Target As...."

Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 01 Feb 2006 Topic: i want terrapins help i do not know any

[QUOTE=GemmaJF] I believe at least one verified report of breeding, though this only appears to have occurred due to the presence of artificially heated hides provided for birds.[/QUOTE]

Past member Martin spoke of his Terrapins breeding and attempting to lay eggs several years ago.

[QUOTE=djp_phillips]how do you tell without touching them?[/QUOTE]
Breeds or male / female ?

Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 04 Aug 2003 Topic: Terrapin from Totteridge

Prawns !, not even I get prawns Martin

We didn't notice much problem with the Moorhens when we had the terrapins, (maybe the pond size and available food has something to do with it) what we did notice was the drop off in newts, which seem to be recovering now the terrys have gone.

As for the RSPCA, well, use of a .22 was mentioned



Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 08 Aug 2003 Topic: Blanket weed


Has anybody got any tips on keeping down (or eradicating) blanket weed in a small garden pond, this year has been particularly bad for the stuff.



Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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Posted: 08 Aug 2003 Topic: Blanket weed

Hi Alan,

Not bad, although I'm getting a bit p...ed off with this heat. Volunteer levels in the park are almost non-existant.

Barley straw seems to work in much larger ponds (acres of) for bloom, but for Blanket weed, don't know.

The pond is very small, about 6x4ft, it's just on 2 years old and has had breeding this year frogs, common newts, 1 dragonfly and 2 damselfly species, also seen many other bugs and things.

The blanket weed grows at alarming rates in the sunnier parts (clearing it almost daily by "rolling" onto a cane), where there is a mat of Duckweed / Parrots Feather there is no weed. Your filter box must be part of a pump system then?, would it help initally just to use the Bio Claire?, i'm worried a pumped filter system would / could remove some of the invertebrate life.




Brickfields Park FREE 25th Anniversary Funday, 4th July 2010.
Wildlife, Farm Animals, games, quizzes, refreshments and more. Fun for all.
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