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Joined: 14 Aug 2005
No. of posts: 6

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Posted: 14 Aug 2005 Topic: Ashdown Forest

Thanks Lee,
I'll take a look at the NGR and see if anything's still there !
SARG gets 100's of herp records from the Ashdown Forest Rangers every year, so this would really be a shock - still as it's on my doorstep it's a good excuse to go for a nice walk.
If I see any of you there I'll buy you all an ice cream !


Barry Kemp - Sussex Amphibian & Reptile Group
Joined: 14 Aug 2005
No. of posts: 6

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Posted: 14 Aug 2005 Topic: Great Crested Newt Pictures

I've got some video of GCN predating dragonfly larvae as they emerge. Maybe I'll show it at the next herp workers meeting.

Barry Kemp - Sussex Amphibian & Reptile Group
Joined: 14 Aug 2005
No. of posts: 6

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Posted: 14 Aug 2005 Topic: Evaluating population sizes and capture e

This has been bugging me for years !
Does anyone else think it's about time we standardised all the criteria for asessing pop.size, trapping effort, key reptile sites etc etc?
You know the sort of problem : Low pop of Commom lizard (HGBI mitigatiom guidelines) = up to 20/Ha
Low pop of Commom lizard (Key Reptile sites guidelines) = up to 5/Ha.
....And why do they say a Low pop. of Adders is less than 2. surely that's 1!!!
It does my head in!

Barry Kemp - Sussex Amphibian & Reptile Group
Joined: 14 Aug 2005
No. of posts: 6

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Posted: 15 Aug 2005 Topic: Evaluating population sizes and capture e

I see we are getting back to refugia again! All very relevant and worthy of more discussion but we have moved away from my original point somewhat.
If HGBI could produce guidelines all that time ago (10, 15 years?) surely with the combined knowledge we have all acumulated since then we must be capable of improving the current guidelines for say, what a medium sized population of Slow worms should be or what a suitable number of refugia would be for survey per hectare of a given habitat type and what the caveats are?
One thing's for sure , at some point a compromise will have to be made between what is achievable and what is desirable.Or should we just not bother with the current guidelines?
Here's another question : Are we just wasting energy trying to find a foolproof system for accurately predicting reptile population size? After all I've always thought that a successfull translocation is when the habitat is right and you can record some breeding in the following year (s). If you moved 465 Slow worms to a perfect receptor site and surveyed it again using the most rigourous survey technique known to man you'd still not record 465 Slow worms on the receptor site the following year, well maybe if you did a destructive search !

Barry Kemp - Sussex Amphibian & Reptile Group
Joined: 14 Aug 2005
No. of posts: 6

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Posted: 17 Aug 2005 Topic: Evaluating population sizes and capture e

When I started this topic I never thought we'd end up quoting Carl Sagan and talking about UFO's !

So, can we wrap0 it up - who wants to see some updated,reasonably sensible criteria for population assessment - limit your answers to no less than 6 words !!

And Tony, I hope you do live to 104, or at least until next Tuesday when we're due to meet !!

Barry Kemp - Sussex Amphibian & Reptile Group
Joined: 14 Aug 2005
No. of posts: 6

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Posted: 22 Nov 2005 Topic: Ashdown Forest

I'm not sure why you think Ashdown Forest is a large blank on the reptile map? - SxBRC is provided with large amounts of records every year for herps from the forest (mainly from the Rangers).


Barry Kemp - Sussex Amphibian & Reptile Group

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