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Posts by anguscrobertson:

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Joined: 20 Aug 2005
No. of posts: 2

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Posted: 20 Aug 2005 Topic: Hornets Nest

I feel really privileged to have had a nest of Hornets in my attic this summer. I've not been a fan of  Wasps in the past so when I realised  these giant wasps were there I had severe reservations - but knowing the scarcity of the species I left them. I am so glad I did. It has been fascinating watching these lovely insects in their busy activity. We have had four come into the house and it has given us, as a family, a chance to see close up how marvelous these creatures really are (I am getting very good at capturing them and releasing them). It is such a shame they are so persecuted due to irrational fears.     

Joined: 20 Aug 2005
No. of posts: 2

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Posted: 21 Aug 2005 Topic: :: Read ::

We used to see Pipestrelles every night around our house until this year. We still bats occasionally but the frequency has definitely dropped. I have no idea why. There has been no major developments but the large Oak in front of our house had somebranches removed for "Safety Reasons" over the winter - but I can's see that theose braches could have supported a colony of bats.

I have seen some larger flying around the tree this summer I haven't identified them - but of course they are always welcome.

This year in our garden we have seen two slow worms, more common frogs than can be counted (very successful breeding year for them too), and One common lizard (my first here in 10 years).

We have had Sparrowhawks, Tawney Owls, a whole host of song birds including Mistle and song thrushes, Chifchaf / willow warbler, Tits of allsorts and gold crests.

We normally have a pair a Spotted Flycatchers - unfortunately not this year (in fact I haven't seen ANY this year).  

We have also had a family of hedgehogs, the hornets nest mentioned in my previous post, numerous dragonflies and 2 very inquisitive small children. What better education could they have???

We live in a 1970's suburban develoment in southern Hampshire so appreciate everything that visits!!!   


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