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Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 07 Jan 2006 Topic: ReptilesonoRailways

Hey people im new 2 all this, juts signed up in fact! this topic caught my eye though, my garden backs on to a railway embankment and is home to many Slow Worms and Common Lizards. a few years back before scrub begn to colonise the banks it was mostly grassland and rich in wildlife, however all the grassland area is completey covered with dogwood, brambles an other dense vegetation. I think this may have pushed the reptiles into the garden where there are many suitable areas for both species, which breed profusely! If anybody wants any more info on my little colonies give me a shout an i'll see what i can do. many thanks.

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 10 Jan 2006 Topic: Reptiles in South Bucks

hey mike i live in south bucks, and although never seen snakes here i do know for a fact there are numerous small sites where Adders/Grass snakes are to be found. Like you i am not sure whether to disclose these sites, however some are just small local nature reserves/woodlands and in the Chiltern hills. Im intrigued about your experience of reptiles in this area and never knew any heathland ever existed here! If i can help any more plz let me kno. thanx.

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 10 Jan 2006 Topic: Herps in bak garden.

Hello everyone, im quite new to all this forum stuff, but this site is amazing and ive been fascinated by our native herps since a young boy! This was probably helped by the abundant population of slow worms and common lizards in our back garden, it can be teeming with them on suitable days.

The garden backs onto a railway bank (hav already replied 2 a post about railways n herps) and there is loads of suitable habitat for these 2 species, i.e scrub/brush, long and short grassy areas, lawn, old walls, south facing undisturbed banks and piles of old timber and other junk that slow worms seem to love!

Anyway the main point of this post is that i was wondering if i cud do anything to help you guys by surveying, photographing or creating more habitat areas seeing as its onli a step outside the back door! i am quite knowledgeable of our reptiles but by no means an expert, i know its a bit early yet but if u can let me know if theres anythin i can do 2 help then i can get prepared for the spring. many thanks for your time. Andy

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 11 Jan 2006 Topic: Herps in bak garden.

I wouldnt be completely sure if either species have any recruitment from elsewhere but being quite an urban area i imagine any new arrivals would travel along the railway line to and from nearby woodland, scrub etc.

I'll take sum pics of my site so you guys can get a better idea of what its like, but both species breed very well, theyres always juvenile slow worms, and viviparous lizards around later in the year. A favourite south facing overgrown bank can be literally teeming with viviparous lizards, and nearby tin dustbin lids and wood piles the favourite for slow worms.

Having known all the easy places to find the slow worms since i was a child it makes me wonder just how many there are that get overlooked.
Any more info you'd like on the area, please just ask and thanks so much for your help! Andy

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Posted: 11 Jan 2006 Topic: Herps in bak garden.

Thanks Mick! Cant believe how helpful everyone is here! Anyways it does feel like the med some summer days, walking down the stone steps and havin to be careful not to step on any young viviparous! Im not on the south coast, im actually in South Bucks near the chiltern hills, far from the med (unfortunately) haha!

There are plenty of untidy areas in the garden, piles of timber/logs and 2 large compost heaps as well as a wildlife pond- always dreamed of seein a grass snake but none as of yet Some areas need clearin as the border by the railway cutting has become quite mature and is starting to shade areas, a job for me 2morrow i think!

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Posted: 11 Jan 2006 Topic: Herps in bak garden.

Ye thats the one! Nearer 2 Wycombe than GX. Have always dreamed of findin a grass snake but never have, maybe its a bit too urban where i am, also theres a lot of very dense dogwood on both sides of the line now so i wudnt think its suitable grass snake habitat. (i can always dream!)
Thanks Mike!

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 12 Jan 2006 Topic: Herps in bak garden.

wow thats a gorgeous grassy you got there im soooo jealous! There are various tin dustbin lids, and some corrugated asbestos on a log pile which for some reason the realy large male old timer slow worms seem to love. But i had a look at the whole area earlier today and it needs a bit of careful attention and strategic placing of more tin sheets before spring but i dont hold out much hope of sein a grassy as me and my dad spend a lot of time in the garden and in almost 20 years of living here nobodys mentioned any sightings.

I hav never done a real survey of the numbers in the garden but some days upwards of 30 lizards can easily be spotted in various locations and even more slow worms. Including very young slowies under 1 old dustbin lid there can be abut 15 together.

I have found that the slow worms seem to have their own favourite place, as i mentioned earlier some realy old thick bodied males are to be found mostly in 1 area and another beautiful and flawless female uses a lid at the bottom of the steps year after year!

Thanks again for everyones replies, im overwhelmed with all this attention but am more than happy to do my bit to help our little scaly friends which we all share something special with! Many thanks, Andy

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 12 Jan 2006 Topic: Herps in bak garden.

Hey peeps me again, ya must be sick of me haha! just found sum pics of young vivs taken in september, theyre a bit out ov focus (hadnt got to grips with my new digital cam at the time!) Makes you realise how small they are to think that rely cute one is hangin on to a normal garden hose pipe! I hope they work, not very sure how to upload them.

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 19 Jan 2006 Topic: Herps in bak garden.

Hey thanks Mick i had given up on seein a Grass snake but maybe this year i'll b a bit more optemistic! Im currently changing the location of some of the refuges and creating some more habitats piles of dead vegetation, logs and bricks/rocks, and even trimming large bushes that are starting to block sunlight frm the favourite basking/hiding places.

I'll keep everyone posted on the progress and cant wait until spring, when ill hav more pictures and more accurate observations of numbers, locations used for basking, behaviour and weather conditions etc.

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 24 Jan 2006 Topic: Herps in bak garden.

Thanks for the reply Rhys im just overwhelmed by all the attention my lil post has got! I said earlier im no expert so how do i go about proving any slow worm migration or lack of. I know some specimens hav been around for quite some years and that i come across a lot of very young animals so theres definately breeding goin on, thanks again people Andy

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 09 Jan 2008 Topic: Adders at Burnham Beeches

I went to Burnham Beeches for the first time last spring (bad considering im not very far from there!) looked for reptiles on quite a few visits on days which i thought would be ideal but all i saw was a common lizard.

Had a good look round any areas i thought they might be hiding but cant help thinking i was looking in the wrong places. Great place for a walk and im already excited about having another look soon as its warm enough!

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Posted: 29 Apr 2008 Topic: Adder Pics 2008

Saw this adder at Burnham Beeches last saturday. The picture is nowhere near as good as the ones you guys do, but its only my second sighting this year and the first ive managed to get on film!

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Posted: 22 Jul 2008 Topic: First grass snake in back garden!

I have pictures of the latter two but the grass snake was too fast 2 get a photo, no sign again since it must hav just been passing through . Im in south bucks by the way.

Joined: 07 Jan 2006
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Posted: 23 Jul 2008 Topic: First grass snake in back garden!

I have around 4 tins/covers that are regularly used by the slow worms and it was under one of these i saw the grass snake. We have a good sized compost heap, a small pond and quite a few rough/scrubby areas so i think its a fairly herp friendly garden. I will have a good look this weekend in the morning as the day warms up, at the moment i leave for work when its too cold, so fingers crossed for the weekend.

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Posted: 21 Jul 2008 Topic: First grass snake in back garden!

I was over the moon yesterday to see a small grass snake in the garden, first time ive ever seen one here and we have lived here for about 20 years! Have resident slow worms and common lizards as we back on to a railway bank, ive always wondered if id see one but thought it very unlikely to happen as its in an urban setting. Just thought id share the news unfortunately too fast for me 2 get a photo, hopefully ill see it again and its not just a passer-by.

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Posted: 28 Jul 2008 Topic: First grass snake in back garden!

Well its been a week now and no sign of the grass snake, im pretty sure i wont be seeing one again for a long time. Shame i never had a chance to get a picture but heres a few photos of the other visitors all taken in the garden.

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Posted: 28 Jul 2008 Topic: First grass snake in back garden!

yes I have them well trained!

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Posted: 20 Jul 2009 Topic: First grass snake in back garden!

Well almost a year to the day, after not seeing it again. This Turned up! Seen it over the past few days and managed to get a picture this time!

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Posted: 21 Jul 2009 Topic: First grass snake in back garden!

Yep seems to hang out in the same places as that slow worm. Its been around since saturday and fingers crossed it will stay, and not eat 2 many of my fish! It really is true that they can turn up anywhere, such a privilege to have.

- Posts by Andy_B

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