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Joined: 22 Feb 2006
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Posted: 31 Mar 2006 Topic: Arty Stuff

love it Steve, think the grassies spot on, perhaps a few sprigs of grass poking out around the borders if its not to delicate to achive.

Joined: 22 Feb 2006
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Posted: 22 Feb 2006 Topic: Lenses

hello all,

 im relitively new to wildlife photography and would love to get some better close up pics, the info i've read suggests a macro lens. would a macro lens require me to get as close to the subjects (on view in the Adder forum) sugest, or do they have a fair magnification. The adder pics are amazing!



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Posted: 23 Feb 2006 Topic: Lenses

 Thanks Vicar and Gemma,

          really appreciate  the time taken to reply, a telephoto lens sounds a really good idea for now untill i'm confident to get a little closer. ps some of the pics are so close you must of felt there breath!!!

                         Thanks again i'l try and get my pics on when i take them and perhaps you could advise me further when you see them.         & nbsp;    good luck



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Posted: 26 Feb 2006 Topic: Grass snake egg laying sites

 I work on a farm and we have muck heaps situated around our fields all year round, i've noticed that grass snakes not only visit these sites for egg laying but they find them really usefull for removing old skins as i'm often finding sloughs dotted about, i would also imagine (particully the young) find hunting good here. I have a question to put out to any body with any info. Do g,s or any other reptile use heaps to hibernate in? If so would adding muck/old hey ect durring the winter months have any ill affects?


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Posted: 26 Feb 2006 Topic: Grass snake egg laying sites

Thanks for the replies, all added material is broken and loose so i wont stress to much about blocking any body in then, the farm i work at is on the surrey/sussex border not to many miles from Guildford. I'm aware of forum regs so you'l appreciate i cant offer exact co-ordinates,




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Posted: 28 Feb 2006 Topic: Newts under Tins

I would agree with this being a female Palmate, another usefull way of determining between Smooth/Palmate is (unfortunatly absent in pic) is the female Palmate often has a dark tip on the tail roughly 0.5mm upto 1.5mm. not present in female smoothys.

Joined: 22 Feb 2006
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Posted: 28 Feb 2006 Topic: Early adders?

Hi, went to my fave patch today, camera in hand, full of hope of getting some Berus pics to share. nice and sunny here this morn, unfortunatly no luck again  every time the wind blew it rustled the brown wintered fern, bit of a tired neck now from checking every noise. any one had more fruitfull results over the past few days. very envious of your early sighting Gemma


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Posted: 01 Mar 2006 Topic: Any Group In Cambs

Mark, try looking up, go to links, they'l be able to point you towards cambridge & peterborough amphibian & reptile group (cparg) hope thats helpfull, somebody else may be able to be more direct lucym38777.7783101852

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Posted: 03 Mar 2006 Topic: 2006 is comino to life!

Brill, love gs, No grasssnakes on farm in surrey yet either, judging by the frown i'd say this grassies not to chuffed with chosen backdrop

ps, sorry if this is daft but anybody know of a way of sexing gs just by the head?


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Posted: 06 Mar 2006 Topic: Ash Catastrophy

Oh no! hopefully if they were using this area for hibernation they were deep enough to avoid any harm, let us know of any future sightings here. fingers and everything else crossed.

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Posted: 07 Mar 2006 Topic: Slow woms in Shropshire

 Just a question to anyone with an answer, i often encountered slowworms last year at the stables and although easy enough to gage the sex of addults i found it difficult to tell the difference between those prob under 3 seasons or so. any helpfull hints out there?

           Thanks, Lucym.


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Posted: 08 Mar 2006 Topic: Lenses

Hello everyone, sorry not sure about that Johnc79 as im here with a question myself, im lookin to go digital at last and have my sights set on a nikon d50 as its about all i can afford for now.I would like to get a macro lens to achive some close-up shots, would it also need to be nikon or do various makes fit? any info or usefull contacts much appreciated???       &nbs p;    Lucy

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Posted: 08 Mar 2006 Topic: Lenses

Ah'ha thanks Alan, i have an old school cannon Eos 3000 and a sigma 28-200 lens that fits, but was'nt sure if it would transfer to a nikon. having said that i'l be gettin rid of it anyhow because as you'd know its useless for up close and personal herping! After seein the pics on these sites im going macro me thinks.

                               cheers lucy

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Posted: 09 Mar 2006 Topic: Lenses

Thanks Lee/Steve, think i'm definatly gonna hunt for just the D50 body and use the left over to get one of the  lens recomended or near as damn-it, just got back from a tiptoe around a local heath, no luck but did get a good soaking


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Posted: 23 Mar 2006 Topic: Glow-worm numbers!!! please help

A friend of mine in horsley was doing her gardening and whilst turning some soil came across somthing that looks just like the larva in Steve's picture, but i wasnt totally convinced as it lacked the light coloured tips that are present in the above pictures, are the light tips ever-present or do they appear at a certain stage or perhaps different genders?


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Posted: 27 Mar 2006 Topic: Rana T. Movements 2006 - So far....

Really hoppy today despite the weather, got back from a weekend away last night and woke thismornin to find the frogs had arrived on mass in our small 1m by 2m pond well into double figures, nice clump of bulging spawn aswell. love the clocks going forward too, its like having an extra days herping every day after work

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Posted: 30 Mar 2006 Topic: Early adders?

Hello people, firstly have to say, love the photo Jerry, secondly, a question.. In the above pic the snake appears to also have black eyes, is this just a trick of the light or common place in melanistic adders?

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Posted: 02 Apr 2006 Topic: Early adders?

I agree with Gemma, there certainly seems to be teeth marks on its body and i'm sure fox's/badgers are out of the question as they would surely consume thier kills. sadly, and we can only guess, it seems to boil down to the issue of keeping dogs on a lead or under control too heel, VERY sad indeed!

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Posted: 03 Apr 2006 Topic: Rana T. Movements 2006 - So far....

love the pics Alan, you've caught the spawn a treat!!!


Joined: 22 Feb 2006
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Posted: 04 Apr 2006 Topic: Viviparous lizard photographs

soooopa photo Gemma, love the legs aswell... That is serious armour plates

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