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Joined: 03 Apr 2006
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Posted: 04 Apr 2006 Topic: New Forum Member


Have just signed up so thought I'd say hi. Bit of info about me - completely mad about anything remotely herpetological (aren't we all?!) and keeper of a small tribe of herps. (snakes and a turtle).

Looking forward to contributing to and learning from the Forum.

So for now all the best,



Joined: 03 Apr 2006
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Posted: 04 Apr 2006 Topic: New Forum Member

Hi Steve, Al and Em.

Steve, thanks for the welcome :) Yep, I should have joined RAUK ages ago. I guess the next step is getting involved with SARG! :)

Al, halloooo! Aye, herps, morris dancing and train sets û however, you forgot to mention your propensity to morris dance whilst playing guitar, singing hey ho silver and balancing a Cadburys cream egg on your head all at the same time! :P (hehe, the secretÆs out now)! Hope you enjoy the epicà

Hi Em, I think the best way forward here is to first ascertain whether what youÆve got there is actually a newt or a lizard. Can you upload a photo for members to see?

Joined: 03 Apr 2006
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Posted: 05 Apr 2006 Topic: French Bugs

Hi all,

Thought some of you may find these photos interesting. I took them in the South of France (Tarn et Garonne) last year. The first pic is some sort of grasshopper, no idea of the species though. The second is of a praying mantis...though you may have to look closely to spot him!

Joined: 03 Apr 2006
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Posted: 05 Apr 2006 Topic: French Bugs

And the mantis....

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Posted: 05 Apr 2006 Topic: Edible frog?

This photo was taken in France (Tarn et Garonne). I think it's an Edible frog, but not 100% sure. Can someone confirm?

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Posted: 05 Apr 2006 Topic: Edible frog?

Hi Dan,

Yes, I certainly did! It seems that a plethora of herps frequent the area and I have come across many species whilst out and about herp hunting over there. Over the years (I lived in Tarn et Garonne for about 6 years), I came across all manner of herps. But perhaps the most exciting for me personally were the Natterjacks, Green toads, Fire salamanders, Green lizards and the Whipsnakes - very snappy (at least the ones I caught seemed to be)!

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Posted: 06 Apr 2006 Topic: birdflu in herps?????

This link may be of interest....(might be a bit out of date as I think there were several cases of bird-flu fatality in Turkey as well...though I may be wrong)! /

Purely my opinion, but I agree with you though Herpetologic2. The media does revels in scare-mongering and yep, I bet the pharmacuetical companies are set to make a pretty penny out of it all. It was a similar story with SARS - widespread panic all across Asia with the wearing of masks in airports and on aeroplanes (I was in Bangkok at the time).

Not saying that there isn't a 'real' threat and that precautions sholdn't be taken, but these things do seem to get blown out of proportion sometimes....

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Posted: 06 Apr 2006 Topic: Edible frog?

Thanks Al. He was a cute little fellow and I was able to get quite a few good shots of him. I actually found him in a small pool of water in a tractor rut.

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Posted: 06 Apr 2006 Topic: Edible frog?

Hi Jeroen,

Rana ridibunda possibility duly noted! Thanks  

I am quite suprised that Green toads are only found in extreme N.E France's a description of the toad I saw - really sorry but no pics:

Size of a large common toad, with very similar shaped head and body.

Green splotches on the body

Hopped (didn't see it running at all)

Greenish / blue eyes

Any idea what species it could have been apart from Green? Comments appreciated because I am really confused now!

Joined: 03 Apr 2006
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Posted: 06 Apr 2006 Topic: Faces to Names

Old thread but shame it died out! It was interesting putting faces to names :)

Joined: 03 Apr 2006
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Posted: 07 Apr 2006 Topic: Faces to Names

Hooray! Up and running again. Nice pic Mark!  Here's one of me helping out at an open day with two little friends.. 

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Posted: 07 Apr 2006 Topic: Faces to Names

And one with my partner Phil in France (Moissac)

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Posted: 07 Apr 2006 Topic: Autohaemorrhaging in Snakes

Morning all,


I was wondering whether anyone could provide some information on autohaemorrhaging in snakes? Which species do it (Grass snakes? Hog-noses? Wood?) and how do they do it? Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Posted: 07 Apr 2006 Topic: Faces to Names

Hey Al! Yep, meet up soon for some serious herping  I did get your reply...will write back soon. Fantastic pic by the way!

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Posted: 07 Apr 2006 Topic: Autohaemorrhaging in Snakes

Thanks Steve, would appreciate that

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Posted: 11 Apr 2006 Topic: Autohaemorrhaging in Snakes

Thanks Dan, that's a very interesting picture!

Joined: 03 Apr 2006
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Posted: 11 Apr 2006 Topic: Edible frog?

Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for the useful distribution map. I guess it must have been a Natterjack then but without the yellow stripe running down the back. I have caught natterjacks there but they all had lines down the back and they did run as oppose to hop. Maybe this one was a 'freak'? One thing I can be certain of is that it was definitely not a Common. I just wish I had a photo to show you - if I get the chance to go back and catch one again, I'll take a pic next time!  Thanks for all your help and the info Jeroen, appreciate it!

Joined: 03 Apr 2006
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Posted: 11 Apr 2006 Topic: What is this snake?

Hi Vicky,

You may find a lady known as Tanya Stevens (founder of the Corn Snake Fan Club) very helpful. She will be able to tell you the morph for certain (it looks like a candycane to me but I am probably wrong!) and she will probably be able to home it for you as well. Her e-mail below.....

Hope this helps.


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Posted: 11 Apr 2006 Topic: New Forum Member

No pic yet then Em?....................

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Posted: 21 Apr 2006 Topic: BHS and T&C Herp Group Spring Meeting

Dear All,

The BHS and the Thames & Chiltern Herpetological Group will be organising a joint spring meeting on Sunday the 21st of May in Amersham.

The highlight of the event will be a presentation by guest speaker Richard Gibson, the Curator of Herpetology (ZSL). This will be followed by informal member sessions and an exhibition of captive bred animals and items / posters of herpetological interest. Everybody welcome!

For further information, please click here

For a map of Amersham, please look here

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