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Joined: 23 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 2

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Posted: 23 Apr 2006 Topic: Indoor taddies, other questions

Cavy: Maybe you're putting too much into the indoor aquarium. If the water is green there's too much nutrient in solution. Did you leave the frogspawn in? A couple of pounds of rotting jelly might be too much for the little ecosystem in there. If it smells clean it'll be OK, if it smells rank the tadpoles will have trouble. I'd say clean it all out and start again with sand on the bottom, plenty of plants, pond water, and a modest number of tadpoles.  

I've dug a pond in my back garden recently, and a month or so ago got some frogspawn off a neighbour, and shortly thereafter had hundreds of tadpoles. Now I've got hardly any. The reason? Newts. They've found my pond. Last night I had a look around with a torch, and counted 8 in there. They eat the tadpoles.    


Joined: 23 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 2

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Posted: 17 Sep 2006 Topic: Refugia question

Do the lizards know to avoid Vb foraging areas or is it just that the little adders have eaten them all?

I watched an adult female common lizard emerge from heather into a basking place, see an adder, and run. It ran a lot further and faster than a lizard normally does when it sees me. But I've also seen naive little black youngsters taking almost no notice. And since the males tend to have territories, I imagine the answer is a bit of both. 

- Posts by JohnDuffield

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