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Posts by Mark T:

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Mark T
Joined: 27 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 7

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Posted: 08 May 2006 Topic: RAW or JPEG?

Hi folks

As you probably already know JPEG's are lossy, in other words the more times you save them the more the quality

You could consider PNG format, has the same colour range as JPEG but dosent loose quality and the file-size is generally not that much larger than JPEG

TIFF format is good but very large.

Mark T
Joined: 27 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 7

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Posted: 08 May 2006 Topic: Lizard Tracks ??

I'd say lizard, the track would be straighter if a bike
(the surves are quite subtle)

also the indentaion around the actual track would be greater, its obviously something very light.

Although it could be a kids toy, kids usually make a bigger mess when playing in the sand.

Mark T
Joined: 27 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 7

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Posted: 08 May 2006 Topic: strange frog

Steve obviously knows his animals but is indeed a showman.

Of course the snake is all fired up after being rugby tackled by some big australian and held unceremoniously in the air

He shows little respect for the creatures

Mark O'Shea is much better

Mark T
Joined: 27 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 7

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Posted: 08 May 2006 Topic: Newts under Tins

its a female smooth newt, and judging by the way she is laying on her back for the camera, quite a tart!.

The best way to distinguish is

"Smooths are spotty, Palmates Pointy"

i.e. smooths have a spotted underside to their throat
palmates have a pointed 'filament' to the end of their tail.

Smooths generally have more 'black' markings
Palmate males have very distinctive black fringes around their back feet during breeding season.

Mark T
Joined: 27 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 7

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Posted: 11 May 2006 Topic: Colour-blind Newts?

Can anyone tell me if Palmate, Smooth and GC Newt are colour-blind.

I am involved in torch surveys to determine populations and wondered if a bit of red plastic (as used to watch other wildlife) would cause less disturbance than white light.

Any other ideas would be great.


Mark T
Joined: 27 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 7

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Posted: 18 May 2006 Topic: ID Species from skin

Good morning

I am trying to improve my ID skills and wondered if it was possible to identify which species a shed skin belonged to.

I know that Adders and Grass Snakes both have keeled scales (not sure on Smooth). But is there a sure fire way to differentiate Adder & Grass Snakes.

I dont want to have to rely on habitat.

If its possible to determine the sex as well, that would be very impressive


Mark T
Joined: 27 Apr 2006
No. of posts: 7

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Posted: 18 May 2006 Topic: Any advise guys on what GPS to go for

Garmins work ok, Argos has a couple for around ú100
there are a couple of points to remember.

The accuracy of the GPS position depends on the satelite signal, and could range from 6-40 metre radius of where you are.

Generally the more satelites the GPS looks for the greater the accuracy, but a clear unobstructed view of the sky helps considerably (i.e. cloud & trees = bad)

When locating a previously marked point the GPS may change its mind which direction to head in.

This is because it has to know which direction you are heading in to determine which way to go.

to solve this just walk in one direction for about 20meters and it will sort itself out.

In other words, dont expect it to tell you which way to a certain 'waypoint' if you're standing still, it only works when you're moving.

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