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Posts by maldinix:

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Joined: 25 Jun 2003
No. of posts: 2

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Posted: 25 Jun 2003 Topic: Tree Frog

Hi there.  Would anybody in this forum have some knowledge of Tree Frogs? We've had one as a "pet" for 18 months now, and we need to find it a new home. I understand its a European Tree Frog. We found the wee thing in a packet of Coriander imported to Dublin from Wales.  We nursed him back to health and he seems fine after over a year. Any ideas or comments you may have will be appreciated. Thanks Paul, Dublin.



Joined: 25 Jun 2003
No. of posts: 2

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Posted: 26 Jun 2003 Topic: Tree Frog

Thanks for the replies. I'll try to get a picture, although he's hard to find at the best of times as he is small, about the size of my thumbnail. We keep him in a large glass tank, with nice leafy plant for cover etc....He's fed crickets, which we breed ourselves for the purpose of feeding him......It's a pretty singular diet but it's the best we could come up with. He also has water (an upturned jam jar lid) for drinking/bathing! etc.. My friend could describe his colouring better, but we've noticed it does change from time to time.  She is moving to London, and cannot take him with her, and although I don't mind keeping him, I can't stand the crickets!! So, we think its best to find a proper enthusiast that can take care of him (maybe he's a she, we can't tell). And apart from his method of travel to arrive in our hands, we're not sure about repatriating him back to where he came. Talk again soon. Paul

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