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Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 13 Jun 2006 Topic: Grass Snake Identification & Sightings

Hi guys, I'm a new user as I only found the site yesterday. just found this lovely girl 4 feet up a hornbeam overhanging a foot path. photo by Lily, age 6!

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 13 Jun 2006 Topic: Grass Snake Identification & Sightings

Another picture by Lily, who is angry because I left her age off the last post - she is 6

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 13 Jun 2006 Topic: Grass Snake Identification & Sightings

Spot on, we found her at 18.30, after a particuarly hot day. air temperature at the time was about 20 degrees with no breeze so I don't think the snake was basking. This is the second grassie I've found up a tree, and both of them were next to water bodies containing large populations of marsh frogs (north Kent marshes) so food supplies aren't short.

Has anybody else come across this before?

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 17 Jun 2006 Topic: Macro lenses

Hi guys,

got this this morning with a rubbish little FinePix 1400 granny cam. one handed too! whaddya mean it shows?! I think that if you take your time you can get a good shot with almost anything - field craft will always be more important than equipment.

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 17 Jun 2006 Topic: Grass Snake Identification & Sightings

yeah, lovely stuff. how on earth you spotted that I'll never know. I have enough trouble finding them on the ground! 'My' grassie didn't seem to be hunting but I didn't really watch for too long.

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 21 Jun 2006 Topic: Macro lenses

That really is an improvement Brett, nice one. what program did you use? I'm not really a computer person so all advice much appreciated! Robert - why do you say the grassie is definitely female? Going by relative tail length/sub-caudal scale counts I thought it was male. I'm not being funny, just genuinely interested


Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 27 Jul 2006 Topic: Adder Photography

Hi, can I join the annoying bit of vegetation club too? Here's my application

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 27 Jul 2006 Topic: Adder Photography


Don't worry, there's plenty more (and worse) where that came from!


Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 27 Jul 2006 Topic: Adder Photography

Haven't got any more adder photos here (I'm supposed to be working, and when the boss comes back I will be!) but how's about a common lizard with extra greenery?

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 15 Aug 2006 Topic: Adder neonates 2006


First neo adder on my local patch in west Dorzett was last Friday, 11th August. 1 young'un basking on an overcast day between rain showers. Interestingly the area was one not used by gravid females all summer. Also, has anyone else noticed the relationship between weather and birth? Adders and vip. lizards on this site both gave birth on or just after high pressure, thundery nights. I've also seen this with captive bred water snakes, Nerodia. Any thoughts? Hope this helps,


Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 25 Aug 2006 Topic: Communal basking

Hi all,

Found these three basking together yesterday. The grass snake was originally basking in the same spot as the adder until it was shoved out of the way. you can't really see from the photo but the grassie is in blue, and very nervous. At one point the adder actually climbed on top of the grass snake, then lay parallel alongside and began furiously tongue-flicking, almost like a courtship behaviour. When the grassie moved away the adder ignored it. Has anybody else seen any sort of interaction between the two species?

The neo viv. lizard didn't hang around much longer! Apologies for the rubbish photo...

cheers, Ian

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 26 Aug 2006 Topic: Communal basking


This is the only half-decent photo I've got of the two of them together, again not very clear. In my defence I was trying to lean over an electric fence at the time! Both snakes were basking in the same place again yesterday. The adder spent some time rubbing the sides of his head along the logs andlooking, for want of a better word, uncomfortable. Possibly also about to slough?

Suzi + Jon, I've also never found lizards under the tins here, although they're common under logs less than a metre away. On a site in north Kent I know they are regularly found under old carpet with slow worms.

cheers, Ian

Cheers, Ian
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Posted: 26 Aug 2006 Topic: Communal basking


Thanks for your comments, looking back over my records for this site it's clear that adders and grassies are found in roughly the same areas and I'd not really made the coonection, so ta for that. The grass snake finally gave up trying to bask peacefully when another adder turned up and pushed him out of the way. there was also an adult viv. lizard basking about a metre away who shot off when the grassie moved.

cheers, Ian


Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 31 Aug 2006 Topic: Grass snake Pictures

Found this 'un under a tin yesterday - 61 subcaudals, 700mm total length. To my mind it 'looks' male, but what do you lot think?

cheers, Ian

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 13 Sep 2006 Topic: Gravid Female


I'd say she's gravid. There are still some females that haven't dropped round here. If you get a storm or a big change in air pressure pop back and see if that's enough to get the ball rolling.



Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 17 Sep 2006 Topic: Whatos this caterpillar?

Hello everyone, found this bad boy yesterday, does anyone know what sort of moth it is?



Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 01 Nov 2006 Topic: Is This A Common Lizard?


I've got some terrestrial GCN photos - if they're any good to you you're welcome to them. Let me know and I'll email 'em over



Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 01 Jun 2007 Topic: Best Photos Ever

From last week;


Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
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Posted: 26 Aug 2007 Topic: Forum outage


   *sob* Glad to have you back!

Cheers, Ian
Joined: 13 Jun 2006
No. of posts: 22

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Posted: 27 Aug 2007 Topic: Adder 2007!

Now we're up & running again I thought I'd post a pic of one of the 7 females I found this morning, 4 of them being gravid. Not a great photo, but I like it...

No males, no neos, but a bank full of females is always nice to find.  Anyone else having any luck?



Cheers, Ian

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