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Joined: 23 Aug 2006
No. of posts: 13

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Posted: 23 Aug 2006 Topic: Anyone ID this little fellow?

I found this little fellow at Brook Meadow in Emsworth, Hampshire. Could someone please let me know what species it is?

If these pictures aren't detailed enough let me know as I still have the originals which are a fair bit larger.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 23 Aug 2006 Topic: non native animals in the uk

There's a species of cicada that lives in the New Forest but I thought they were native. I've not had any luck finding one yet unfortunately.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
No. of posts: 13

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Posted: 23 Aug 2006 Topic: image uploading

Mike if you want a completely free piece of software then give  the GIMP <> a go. Make sure to get at least version 2.2.12. The interface may take a little getting used to if you are a Photoshop user.

If you have any problems please shout out and I'll try to help you. I've only really used the basic features but have seen some very impressive results. Don't count it out just because it doesn't cost a huge wad of cash (of any cash for that matter).

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 23 Aug 2006 Topic: Problem with DPI

Maybe a bit late but also be sure to set the "quality" to the highest available. In the case of the Canon PowerShot range this is generally SuperFine.

All you are doing is setting the compression factor of the jpeg file produced, the lower the quality the higher the compression factor and the worse the image will look at larger sizes.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 23 Aug 2006 Topic: Wasp Spider

Anyone in Hants looking for a wasp spider to photo/study can go to Heath Pond in Petersfield (somtimes also called Petersfield Lake locally).

From the car park head around the pond away from the wooden decking. There's a sandy path about 1-200m along the path on the right-hand side. The sandy path is forked where it joins onto the main path around the pond and inbetween the fork is a small gorse bush. This is where the wasp spiders can be found. They are mainly situated in the part of the bush facing the main path.

I hope that makes sense to anyone trying to find them :)

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 24 Aug 2006 Topic: Viviparous lizard photographs

I only joined up yesterday to get a lizard I spotted identified. I've already posted the pics in that thread so I'm not sure if it'd be ok to repost them here.

Anyhow Jeroen informed me it was a CL. I spotted the little critter at Brook Meadow in Emsworth, Hants. I'm not 100% about the time but I think it was around 4pm (edit: I guess the date'd help... It was July 22 2006) . It was only by chance I saw it as I was watching dragonflies zooming around the meadow at the time. I just saw a little movement, out of the corner of my eye, from the ground. Thinking, at first, it was a spider I made to move away. It was only when it moved again that I saw it was a really cute little lizard instead.

I'd love to spot more, but I'm a little ignorate of habits and habitates unfortunately (but this seems like a great place to learn though).

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 25 Aug 2006 Topic: Viviparous lizard photographs

Vicar, I live in Havant, SE Hants. I'm free most weekends, but I don't drive which might be a pain.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 25 Aug 2006 Topic: Unknown swimming critter

I know this is way OT but can anyone ID this?

It (they) were spotted at Heath Pond in Petersfield today at about 4PM. We went there so I could test my new camera on the dragonflies at the pond and as we walked along the edge of the pond we spotted some movement. It looked like a large fish fin (most likely from the fish in the second batch of photos). We both had a go at taking pictures but unfortunately these were the only ones that showed whatever it is above the surface.

These pics were taken in 2 batches. The first 3 pics my mum took and the last 2 I took about 2-3 mins before hand. We are pretty certain that the 2 lots are related in some way even if not the same critter.

This large white surface looks most unlike the large balck fish in my pics.

As does this.

And this too.

This is pretty obviously a fish.

And this too.

However we aren't sure if its 2 different creatures, maybe interacting, or a single critter that we just happened to catch at an odd angle.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 26 Aug 2006 Topic: Unknown swimming critter

Thanks for the quick response. Any fisherman that catches this fellow would be estatic, I think, it looked huge.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 26 Aug 2006 Topic: Viviparous lizard photographs

  Thanks for the tips, they'll be most useful.

  That would be great.

And here's the pics again but this time higer res and hosted on my server.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 26 Aug 2006 Topic: Unknown swimming critter

Hmm, that sounds quite likely. It's a pet peeve of mine that some of the fishermen that use the pond dump their rubbish where they camp rather than dispose of it properly. I know it's not just the fishermen but it's not uncommon to find empty food tins, bits of fishing line and other obvious pointers at the various fishing points.</rant>

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 01 Sep 2006 Topic: Native Crickets & Grasshoppers.

I found this fellow at Brook Meadow in Emsworth, Hants a couple of months ago.

He(edit: um, apparently she) became quite popular at work when I took some photos in.

Joined: 23 Aug 2006
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Posted: 06 Apr 2008 Topic: Adder Pics 2008

I heard that there were adders at Havant Thicket and my mother, who goes there quite often, was lucky enough to talk to a woman walking her dog that knew exactly where they were.

Here's a few pictures that I took:

My mum saw a slow worm at the site, but unfortunately I was at work on that day. I also got chatting to another woman walking her dog that has seen grass snakes at the thicket, I've yet to see any myself.

I couldn't believe what a buzz it was seeing the beautiful snakes in the wild. Oh and would you believe that on my second visit to photograph the adders I found a complete skin, head to the tail tip. I managed to pick this up and I've now got it in a display cabinet at home.

If I find any more shed skins is there any where I can donate them to?

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