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RAUK - Archived Forum - ASRA??

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Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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View other posts by johnc79
Posted: 24 Feb 2006

       Can anyone tell me if the Cotswolds ASRA are still going? If they are how do you join? I can't find anything on the internet.

Many thanks

John Campbell

Joined: 10 Jun 2005
No. of posts: 184

View other posts by Mick
Posted: 25 Feb 2006


I've sent you a private message with a few possible contact phone numbers.

I'd be very surprised, plus saddened, if ASRA (Association for the Study of Reptilia & Amphibia) weren't still going. But you're right, i couldn't find a website neither, which i'm also surprised about. Maybe no-one there wants the time consuming hassle of running & maning a website, which i'd imagine would be a fairly busy one, if they had one. Maybe they have got one, i dunno. It's several years since i was a paid up member (wasn't expensive), but i've been meaning to rejoin again for ages, & i'd like to think i'd still be able to, one day. So, if you do find out, let me know if ASRA are still up'n'running. I'd doubt those phone numbers i've sent you wouldn't be any good, but IF so, then instead phone Cotswold Wildlife Park. I presume ASRA's monthly meetings are still held there above the reptile house (which are usually freely open to members prior to meetings). Yeh, i found ASRA very worthwhile. They've got a great members library, newsletters, captive bred sales, merchandise, conservation things to get involved with, etc, etc,..allsorts going on. Every now & again a monthly meeting is largely taken up with a lecture (plus slides, or film) by someone famous in the herp, or conservation world. Two excellent ones i recall attending were by Mark O' Shea & Nigel Marven. I missed several other world famous wildlife people though. Yeh, ASRA was cool, & i hope it still is!

Joined: 23 Feb 2006
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View other posts by photoherper
Posted: 25 Feb 2006
I have recently heard on the grapevine that ASRA have folded for good.
Joined: 10 Jun 2005
No. of posts: 184

View other posts by Mick
Posted: 26 Feb 2006

Having made phone enquiries i'm afraid what you've heard is indeed correct & so, with some embarrassment, - having raved on about ASRA - i can only sincerely apologise to John. Apparently most other groups & societies are having problems (mainly membership numbers) & ASRA folded for several awkward reasons, one of them being - ironically - the ever growing internet. I suppose many reasons for, say, previously attending a groups monthly meetings, can nowadays be dealt with via the net & maybe great herp' forums like this have largely kind of taken over. ASRA were very 'hands on' & so don't appear to have ever bothered venturing down the internet route, but was that wise, not at least trying both?, i dunno. Nevertheless, all very sad, ASRA was really good & i really enjoyed those sociable meetings & lectures (well,..when i was a member) & i'll retain fond memories of my time with ASRA. Oh well, suppose i'd best treasure my ASRA sweat tops then! So anyway, again, sorry, John. They'd actually only just lately threw in the towel.

ASRA. 1977-2006. 

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View other posts by GemmaJF
Posted: 26 Feb 2006

That is a real shame, ASRA was actually one of the first groups I ever subscribed to.

I can't really see how internet forums can replace a group or society.

Though we can exchange ideas and views on here and it can be useful for making contacts, RAUK remains just what it is, an Internet forum. I often get enquiries about 'our organisations' activities.. it can be difficult to explain that RAUK isn't an organisation but just a web facility to oil the wheels of herp conservation in the UK.

Shame as the doors have been open for any organisation with an interest in conserving our native herpetofauna, to use this site to promote themselves since the beginning. Few groups use the opportunity though.

Gemma Fairchild, Independent Ecological Consultant
Joined: 10 Jun 2005
No. of posts: 184

View other posts by Mick
Posted: 26 Feb 2006

[QUOTE=GemmaJF]I can't really see how internet forums can replace a group or society.[/QUOTE]

No, i can't really, but with the internet being an ever increasingly fantastic information highway, & plus so convenient so, too, i can imagine how all the brilliant herpetological websites would somewhat impact on various aspects of small to medium sized groups & societies, their meetings (often to exchange info'/get advice), maybe falling membership numbers, etc. I mean, let's make no bones about it, in many respects the internet's gonna be something of a double edged sword. But that's life, things progress (or don't), the internet's here, it's brilliant, & we all love it & wouldn't now be without it! I think big socities like the IHS & BHS will battle on, evolve & do okay, but sadly, thinking about everything, i wouldn't now be surprised if a few other, small to medium sized societies also eventually called it a day. Time will tell.       

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
No. of posts: 34

View other posts by johnc79
Posted: 26 Feb 2006
Thats not good for people who want to be hands on. Thank you Mick for your help anyway.  Is there anymore clubs in the Midlands area?

- ASRA??

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