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Frensham Common:

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View other posts by Jimpklop
Posted: 25 Jul 2006
Ive been herping for a while now (started around february) But have only seen one grass snake (a juvenile). I would love to see one as every time
I go out I see 3 or 4 of the species we have in England but never see grass snakes.
So if you hunt in Frensham Common or near the ponds and see grass snakes could I tag along.
PM if i can And we shall try to organise something.

Im Craving Adder's(
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View other posts by Suzi
Posted: 25 Jul 2006


As you probably know they are harder than adders to see lying out. Off like lightning into the undergrowth as you approach. Most I see are under tins or occasionally in my compost heap. I hope you manage to see a few more.  

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View other posts by GemmaJF
Posted: 26 Jul 2006

Try around ponds in the early morning (7.30 onwards in this heat) you sometimes get lucky and see them foraging in the water in areas where they are relatively abundant. Also can be spotted at this time of year basking early morning around reed banks and the like, but will be off in a flash if disturbed in any way.

Else as Suz has stated, mostly reliably seen under tin, particularly sub-adults and juveniles.

Unsettled weather is forecast, so hopefully things will get moving agian in general

Gemma Fairchild, Independent Ecological Consultant
st rick
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View other posts by st rick
Posted: 26 Jul 2006

Is Frensham Common really the best place to see Grass Snakes?  If so is it away from the 2 main ponds that people spot them?  I found it quite hard to patrol the perimeter of the latter, except on the beach areas.

I was also put off the big pond by the horrendous amount of litter laying around.  It didn't feel like a spot I wanted to go back to. 

Last Tuesday I spotted quite a large grassie sunning itself at 8.30  at night in the well known pond by the car park at Thursley.  This was after the terrible fire.  I wondered if all the snakes in the area had made a beeline for it as the only safe refuge from the flames, but loads of searching failed to throw up another one.

What are the best hot tips for grass snake spotting in Surrey? 


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View other posts by Vicar
Posted: 27 Jul 2006

You're correct Richard, neither pond at Frensham has particularly good Grass Snake occurrence. There are plenty about on the Common though, but rarely reliably in the same place, especially at this time of year.

The 'Moat' at Thursley often turns up Natrix, as do (did?) the wetter areas just to the East.

I've seen the fire devastation towards the South of Thursley, but haven't managed to get to the Moat since the fire. Is there much fire-damage close by the lake ?

Steve Langham - Chairman    
Surrey Amphibian & Reptile Group (SARG).
st rick
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View other posts by st rick
Posted: 01 Aug 2006

Vicar, the devastation at Thursley is bad, but not as catastrophic as first reported:  I understand that 60% of the reserve is fire damaged, rather than 90%.

The wet area bisected by the boardwalk, close to the Moat, doesn't seem too bad.  Most of the boardwalk seems to have escaped unscathed.  I didn't walk to its end as Thursley was officially closed when I last went there and I didn't want to get in the way of the authorities:  there was still an emergency camp of fire crew camping out on the village green, and the hydrants were still being tapped and embers smouldering even 5 days after the blaze started.

However, things seem much worse on the other side of the reserve and even the road that connects the Moat to the village is burned right up to the tarmac in places:  the whole areas was evacuated.

I'm not local to the area, but anyone who is can provide more up to date information.  The event has been a huge catastrophe.  Does anyone know if this was the most Northerly site where Smooth Snakes and Sand lizards were to be found?




- Frensham Common

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