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More goings on in Ash:

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Alan Hyde
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Joined: 17 Apr 2003
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View other posts by Alan Hyde
Posted: 11 Jun 2003

I returned once again to my spot in Ash this afternoon, and this time I went to the main favourite area.


This is a lovely spot , and i'd still go there just to soak up the atmosphere , even if there were no snakes. This flat heath is located at the top of a hill and is like a secluded little world free from people and woofers.

On the climb up the hill I stopped to take this quick in situ pic of a gravid common lizard.


At the top I saw a fem berus that was already on the move before I arrived . She quickly vanished into the braken.

Next I saw a 2 ft natrix , and instead of risking disturbing her/him I thought i'd sit down and do some observation.

At first she seemed uneasy , it was fairly breezey up there and I think she may have been getting the odd whiff that I was about.  After a couple of mins she settled down to bask in the braken , and nothing much happened for about 10-15 mins.

I squashed a horsefly that was just about to feed from my thigh , then squashed another that seemed intent on getting revenge for his late pal. The grassy still hadn't moved , and I thought,"Time for a pic". Just as I reached for my camera the breeze blew up , she/he flicked her tongue and wooshed orft into the braken.

Next I came back down the hill , took a pic of this guy-


- and came home

How about everyone else?


O-> O+>
Tony Phelps
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View other posts by Tony Phelps
Posted: 11 Jun 2003

After all I recently said about smooth snakes eating adders came across a 25cm imm female berus coiled up with large male smooth snake, and these were not under tin, just lying under a mossy bit under some dieback heather. No figuring snakes, maybe this berus likes to live dangerously.

This was at Studland, big place so no secrets given away.




Gemma Fairchild
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View other posts by Gemma Fairchild
Posted: 11 Jun 2003

Hi Alan sounds like that day you've been waiting for for a while

Mervyn and I took a non herpy walk (as if) around some woodlands near Darenth after releasing the frogs elsewhere (more on that on the other thread), thought it was going to be a blank but we got nicely lost and came out in a meadow very close to the A2, fem common lizard and juvenile on a fence post



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View other posts by Mervyn
Posted: 11 Jun 2003

Lost ?

My ........................

Alan Hyde
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View other posts by Alan Hyde
Posted: 11 Jun 2003

LOL! Mervyn .... Who was navigating?. At least you found your way back though eh.

I seem to have no probs with my sense of direction.... it's my memory that fails me.  I seem to have no probs with my sense of's my memory that fails me. I have a sign above the mirror in our bedroom . an arrow points down and reads "This Ugly b........'s name is Alan Ahhhh so that's who I am! Just Kidding .

Seriously though , Glad to hear you had a good day and the fwoggys are released, good Job!


Tony , I bet your berus had his Big brother hiding round the corner in the heather , "Go on ..Go on ... You just try it "




O-> O+>
Alan Hyde
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View other posts by Alan Hyde
Posted: 11 Jun 2003
Can You tell that I've spent the last 9 years at home raising the children?
O-> O+>
Gemma Fairchild
Krag Committee
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View other posts by Gemma Fairchild
Posted: 12 Jun 2003
He was navigating of course, though I think it was me who said "I'm sure it's this way"
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Alan Hyde
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View other posts by Alan Hyde
Posted: 12 Jun 2003

Uh Huh.. uh Huh ... we'll say no more Gemma LOL!

Tony , Hi.


Please forgive my post above from yesterday , i was in no way mocking your observation ,just in one those moods., Sorry.

Mind you , I think sometimes prey can just sense when it safe to behave in a relaxed fashion. I remember offering rodents to captive snakes at times when they obviously not hungry(or fasting). The mouse/rat/ lizard soon seemed to realise that it was in no danger ,and they run around the viv as if it's their new home . Often they'll sit and wash/bask on the snakes back ! I'm sure you've seen this yourself.

Another thought is that ,the prey calls the snakes bluff by behaving in an over confident way, intimidating the snake so it is reluctant to try it on. Again , anyone like yourself that has worked with captive reptiles has seen this. You put the live mouse into the enclosure and the snake rushes forward in a feeding response. Next thing, the mouse, bold as brass walks straight up to the snake nose to nose, and from then on the snake won't touch it.

Maybe your berus just knew it was in no danger on this occasion?



O-> O+>
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View other posts by Mervyn
Posted: 12 Jun 2003


Gemma driving, me looking at map. I say "turn right at the T junction Gemma"

Gemma said "Which right?"


Gemma Fairchild
Krag Committee
Joined: 14 Feb 2003
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View other posts by Gemma Fairchild
Posted: 12 Jun 2003
Logical enough, he usually has the map upside down
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Alan Hyde
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View other posts by Alan Hyde
Posted: 12 Jun 2003

LOL! .



Sarah's driving , she say's," You did phone and take down directions ...yes?" I reply ,"Of course" . Sarah then asks , "and this place is in Wiltshire ,right?" I reply ,"Yup, That's right".

We arrive in Wiltshire .Sarah asks, "Ok ....where do we go from here?" I say ,(nervously),"I don't know". "Well.. look at the directions then ". (I tremble) "Eeeer , I can't" *There is a pause of silence, and my mouth goes dry* . " You left the directions at home ..... didn't you?"  I turn and give Sarah my bestest 'puppy dog I'm sorry look'............*Another long pause of silence*............ "OOOOOW!"

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View other posts by frogworlduk
Posted: 21 May 2004

although this is a very late reply to the topic where abouts in ash is this site. and is thios the ash in surrey?

mark jacobs

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View other posts by GemmaJF
Posted: 21 May 2004

Hi Mark,

We don't allow precise locations of native herpetofauna to be posted on the site, for fairly obvious reasons:

Gemma Fairchild, Independent Ecological Consultant
Alan Hyde
Senior Member
Joined: 17 Apr 2003
No. of posts: 1416

View other posts by Alan Hyde
Posted: 22 May 2004
Hi Mark, Welcome here :)

Yes mate , this is in Ash Surrey , but as gemma has said , it's best not to give out exact locations . Do you live local?


Alan Hyde38129.4331365741
O-> O+>

- More goings on in Ash

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