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SE Regional HGBI Conference: |
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calumma Senior Member Joined: 27 Jun 2003 No. of posts: 351 ![]() View other posts by calumma |
Posted: 17 Aug 2003 Announcement of forthcoming meeting: South-East Regional Meeting of the Herpetofauna Groups of Britain and Ireland "Applying Ecology to Conservation" Sunday, 9th November The Plaza Suite, Stag Theatre London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent The SE Regional conference will be hosted by KRAG this year and will focus on how we can use information about amphibian and reptile ecology to enhance their conservation in all situations. The increasing development in the South East means that now, more than ever, everyone concerned in the protection of herpetofauna needs to work together. Talks by those involved in herpetofauna conservation, research, surveying, recording, habitat management & local planning will be followed by an open discussion on how best to compensate for development. A full programme will be posted in due course. Location: The Plaza Suite is situated behind the Stag Theatre in London Road. Access to the car park is via South Park. The cost for the day will be ś6.00, including tea and coffee (lunch not included, but many venues nearby). Please enclose a cheque payable to the Kent Amphibian & Reptile Group with your name, address, email and telephone number (and organisation if relevant), and return to: Dr. Sue Young, Krag Treasurer Flat 1, 14 Mount Harry Rd, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3JH (If you require confirmation of your booking, or a receipt, please enclose a sae) If you would like more details about the event please email either Sue or Lee directly (or post here). Lee Brady Kent Herpetofauna Recorder | Independent Ecological Consultant |
calumma Senior Member Joined: 27 Jun 2003 No. of posts: 351 ![]() View other posts by calumma |
Posted: 19 Oct 2003 Tickets are still available for the South-East Regional Meeting of the Herpetofauna Groups of Britain and Ireland. If you would like to book a place please contact Sue Young (sly-1@lineone.net) directly. Applying Ecology to Conservation Sunday, 9th November The Plaza Suite, Stag Theatre London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent PROGRAMME 10.00 Doors open Morning session: Chair: Simon Geikie 10.25 ChairmanĘs welcome, notices and introduction 10.30 Great crested newt mitigation 1990-2001: conservation or cosmetic surgery?- Richard Griffiths and Paul Edgar 10.50 Great crested newts, toads and roads in Surrey.- Gareth Matthes 11.10 Coffee & biscuits 11.30 Favourable conservation status: what does it mean and how can we achieve it for UK herps? - Chris Gleed-Owen 11.50 Better habitat management for reptiles to enhance local biodiversity.- Kevin Morgan 12.10 What we donĘt know about the adder in Kent.- Lee Brady 12.30 Lunch Afternoon session: Chair: Lee Brady 1.40 An introduction to the Kent & Medway Biological Records Centre.- Steve Smith 2.00 Sleeping with the enemy.- Barry Kemp 2.20 The role of planning in the conservation of protected species.- Chris Hannington 2.40 Coffee & biscuits 3.00 Regional round-up 3.15 What steps should be taken to truly compensate for development? ū Introduction: Simon Geikie, followed by an open discussion. 4.15 Programme ends Lee Brady Kent Herpetofauna Recorder | Independent Ecological Consultant |
- SE Regional HGBI Conference |