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RAUK - Archived Forum - What do you want for Christmas?

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What do you want for Christmas?:

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View other posts by GemmaJF
Posted: 22 Nov 2010
Well it's that time of year when RAUK seems as quiet as our herpy friends, so a  pass the time thread (roll on the first rays of warm sunshine). Not sure what I want this year other than to have the family together, drink and eat too much and watch some old movies, so give me some ideas by letting us know what you want Santa to bring. 

Gemma Fairchild, Independent Ecological Consultant
j gaughan
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Posted: 22 Nov 2010
'good health' almost goes without saying, so a toast to our collective good health over and beyond this christmas

plus, of course, an odd herp book or two . . .
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View other posts by GemmaJF
Posted: 23 Nov 2010
I'll drink to that (hic!) oops I've started a bit early on the Baileys 

So a couple of herp books added to my wish list, need more pressies though. (I can't wait 'till Baby Sue sees this thread, she'll be good for lots of pressie suggestions for an old person like me)

Gemma Fairchild, Independent Ecological Consultant
Baby Sue
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View other posts by Baby Sue
Posted: 23 Nov 2010

ItÆs really something I havenÆt given much thought to.


Baby Sue's Christmas List:

? Froggie wellies (my Auntie Chrissie is searching the internet for some size 7Æs but canÆt find any anywhere. )

? Chocolate, truffles, sweeties and gingerbread.

? Anything froggie. If you old folk donÆt like shopping with your feet this website is frickinÆ amazing ! (IÆve already tried the caramel crÞme chocolate frog and frog poop.)

? Froggie watch.

? Alarm clock. (I need a new one).

? IÆm thinking of replacing the wall hanging clock in the rodentsÆ room for something more fun and interesting. It needs to be large and must look right against the duck egg/cyan walls.

? More froggie earrings.

? Garden and pond ornaments. Something that floats in my pond would be ace.

? Letter opener.

? Albums: -

RobbieÆs æReality Killed The Video StarÆ

RhydianÆs æO FortunaÆ

AbbaÆs Greatest Hits

DuffyÆs album

The new Take That album

? Pyjamas.

? Matching scarf and glove set.

? Perhaps another winter hat (must cover large ears).

? Sunhat, not white or yellow, preferably khaki coloured.

? A small decorative mirror for within my cloakroom area under my stairs. Perfect size 8.5cm long (can't be bigger than 12cm long i.e. horizontally), any length vertically.

Note: - No liquorice, no coconut things, no peanut things, no cook books, preferably no books at all as IÆm not big on reading, nothing cat themed, no alcohol, no roadkill.





I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
tim hamlett
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View other posts by tim hamlett
Posted: 23 Nov 2010
hi folks

a nikon d7000 and a couple of my dreams!

no prezzies for me so it's all about the booze and food
(err..oh yes and the kids). bottle of champagne mid morning
then onto g&t. nice bottle of red with dinner then carry on
with the wine until the kids have gone to bed. then its
baileys and ice until i pass out on the sofa.

ben rigsby
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View other posts by ben rigsby
Posted: 23 Nov 2010
instead of bringing me a present, id like santa to get a GCN mitigation licence, park his sleigh up (leaving plenty of feed for Prancer, Rudolph et al) and then get off his fat bum, pick up a spade, mix some concrete and dig me a roofed pit with steps down one side of my pond. installing a glass pane against the water. like in a zoo aquarium. then i can watch all the newt activity on the pond floor better and live happily ever after.

ill give him a mince pie for his effort.

if i can find any low calorie ones.

ben ben rigsby40505.7940740741
Baby Sue
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View other posts by Baby Sue
Posted: 24 Nov 2010

If he does that then IÆd like your home address cos whilst his backÆs turned I wanna raid his sleigh and nick every single one of the pressies!

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
ben rigsby
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View other posts by ben rigsby
Posted: 25 Nov 2010
speaking as a new member, from what ive read here, RAUK regulars seem a right bunch of boozers. what with Gemma, Tim and REFORMED TEETOTALLER Lalchitri.

deffo the right site for me then!

Sue, youd better be careful. Reindeer BITE!

benben rigsby40507.7521759259
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View other posts by AGILIS
Posted: 26 Nov 2010
OI OI Humbug humbug its still November

Baby Sue
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View other posts by Baby Sue
Posted: 26 Nov 2010

Might be best just jumping inside the sleigh then and nicking the pressies and the reindeer. Santa wouldnÆt need the sleigh anyway, not if he didnÆt have no pressies left to give out.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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View other posts by Baby Sue
Posted: 26 Nov 2010

[QUOTE=Ebeneezer]OI OI Humbug humbug its still November [/QUOTE] IÆve been talking about Christmas for months already!

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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View other posts by Baby Sue
Posted: 06 Dec 2010

IÆve got my tree up but thereÆs no pressies under it.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
ben rigsby
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View other posts by ben rigsby
Posted: 08 Dec 2010
theres a rumour going round that Santas having problems with some of his reindeer getting aggressive; so hes going to have them gelded before he starts his delivery.
thatll keep Rudolphs nose red.

keith does have a point sue. it IS a bit early. i understand though, im not big on patience either!
youre the emoticon Queen!

Baby Sue
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View other posts by Baby Sue
Posted: 09 Dec 2010

A bit early?!! Are you kiddinÆ me? ThereÆs only 16 days ætil Christmas!!! I need my presents!!!

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.
Baby Sue
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Joined: 19 Feb 2008
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View other posts by Baby Sue
Posted: 21 Dec 2010

BenÆs getting me a present! BenÆs getting me a present! ItÆs gonna be my first one from a froggie forum, itÆs about time too.

I wanted presents from lots of you. Snot fair that Ben Rigsby was the only one to send me Xmas & birthday presents.

- What do you want for Christmas?

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