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View other posts by james4
Posted: 07 Feb 2007 24 3000&Y=336000&width=700&height=400&gride=2 43 000&gridn=336000&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=f reeg az&pc=&zm=0&scale=25000&multimap.x=334 &multimap.y=214

(for some reason there is a space       ^^^   ; ; after 334 and before & so when you copy and paste this please remove the space)

right that is were a Adder was apparently reported between 1960-1995.
can you see the caravan site is there,so the area next to it in comparison to the location on NBN you can see the area from the sky.what do you think about it,does it look like a adder haven,or any other reptiles.
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View other posts by james4
Posted: 11 Feb 2007
tim hamlett
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View other posts by tim hamlett
Posted: 11 Feb 2007


i don't know about anyone else but when i tried the link it took me to somewhere in ireland...definitely no chance of you seeing any adders there!!!

you might want to have another go as i'm guessing the link was supposed to be to somewhere in north wales



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View other posts by james4
Posted: 11 Feb 2007
nope not in ireland 243000&Y=336000&width=500&height=300&gride =2 43000&gridn=336000&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db =fre egaz&pc=&zm=0&scale=25000&multimap.x=2 56& ;multimap.y=153

then click the down arrow twice,by penychain
tim hamlett
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View other posts by tim hamlett
Posted: 11 Feb 2007


i don't know that exact area but i do know the general area fairly well. i know people who have seen adders around the area without looking for them...a friend saw one crossing a main rd just on the outskirts of pwllheli early one morning and another friend saw one as she was absent-mindedly looking out of her caravan window while washing up (again in the morning)!

i am in the same boat as you really, i.e. enthusiastic beginner, so i'm not the best person to give specific advice. however, i do know that there are a lot of reptiles in and around the area and there is a lot of suitable habitat. it therefore seems reasonable to me that there will be some suitable habitat around your campsite and that there is a good chance that adder will be there.

i know this isn't very specific, but if you put it together with all of the superb information and advice the experts on the site have already offered over the pasy few months, e.g. habitat, best times of day and year, best weather conditions etc, then, like me, you have a decent chance of seeing something this year. if not, i'm sure we'll have fun trying!

good luck


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View other posts by james4
Posted: 11 Feb 2007
yes thanks,lets hope so,but today i went looking in areas see my other post,and i got a tad concerned as theeres lots of areas and just gog a tad worried incase there is one in the undergrowth near me and it strikes out.
i know it shouldnt unless you go for it but still lol.
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View other posts by Suzi
Posted: 11 Feb 2007
James you ought to know from all that you've read on here that adders are unlikely to bother you if you don't bother them.
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View other posts by GemmaJF
Posted: 11 Feb 2007

Hi James, get yourself some decent boots, you do sometimes have to walk in areas where you come close to them, they won't bite through a leather walking boot.

You won't just find adders all over a site. Lizards maybe but adder are different.

Adders are often found at 'features'. It could be a mound of soil, it could be a pile of vegetation/logs or a bank. When you arrive at a site, look to see where the sun is falling on a feature like this, most will be SE, S or SW facing, where the sun hits it for most of the day. Approach real quiet and look well ahead, you have to move as quietly and carefully as you can and scan these areas with your eyes very carefully. If you see one and spook it, stay nearby quietly, it will soon be back.

Good luck, hope you see some soon.

Gemma Fairchild, Independent Ecological Consultant
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View other posts by arvensis
Posted: 12 Feb 2007
There is not much more anyone else can do for you on here advice wise, bar being showed the site by them.    You have enough info and when the time comes is to go out and looking, you never know, you may get a surprise or 2.

I got a week off at the beginning of March so it won't take much guessing on what I plan to do!

Hampshire Amphibian and Reptile Group.
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View other posts by james4
Posted: 12 Feb 2007 going this weekend to Delamere forest proberly,so if it is all trees (which i think most is as its a forest) it has 4 species.
common lizard
slow worm
Grass snake
if its a warm day and there out,
adders - basking out (but if its forest not much sun will come through)
grass snake(water)
slow worm(mainly under leaves)
common lizard(basking on logs etc)

has anyone been delamere,records are very old but i think there still there.

and i might go here to,looks perfect


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