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first grass snake pics of 08:

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Robs adders
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Posted: 09 Apr 2008
found a great place to photograph grass snakes had 4 right in front of me for nearly a hour her are a few of the pics from that day.
Robs adders
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Posted: 09 Apr 2008

Robs adders
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Posted: 09 Apr 2008

Robs adders
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Posted: 09 Apr 2008

Robs adders
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Posted: 09 Apr 2008

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View other posts by tim-f
Posted: 13 Apr 2008

Hi Rob,

I'm guessing that you're the Rob I met earlier.

One of my efforts below.






Robert V
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Posted: 13 Apr 2008

Hey you guys, are you having us over or what? SurelyTims photo of Grassie is the same grassie as Robs above it? And Rob, the first three photos of your is the same snake again, isn't it?



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View other posts by tim-f
Posted: 13 Apr 2008

Quite possibly the same individual.  Taken in same place within an hour of Rob's.


Robert V
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Posted: 13 Apr 2008


Wow, you guys must be light on your feet!

For two blokes to each take a photo of one grass snake within an hour of each other, you must have cotton wool in your shoes haha.


Paul Ford
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Posted: 13 Apr 2008

Actually the photos above were taken on different days - so it shows that the same snake was present at the same spot!

I have to say they did appear to be remarkably tolerant today - not only did we sit and watch them for probably a couple of hours but later Rob and I went to another site and saw a couple more grassies. One was curled up and Rob poked it with a piece of grass (I kid you not!) so that it moved it's head up - I've never seen anything like that before - it was acting like a slow worm!!

Paul Ford
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Posted: 13 Apr 2008

I'm hoping Rob will post up the photo of two snakes that both appeared at the same time - what are the odds on both of these snakes being the same two individuals above

There were also very accommodating lizards and a slow worm all in view at the same time in this spot - perhaps it's Rob's aftershave that's attracting them all and making them friendly and approachable (sounds like that Lynx stuff they advertise on the telly )



Robs adders
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Posted: 13 Apr 2008

Hi Paul great day today havent had time to go through all my images yet will post some here on monday evening have a look at the adder ones, only had time to sort out a few shots very pleased with the black adder!!

Hi Tim nice to meet you today great grass snake shot what a great place to see them!!

Robs adders
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Posted: 13 Apr 2008


very cool pic tim what a great place ! i have quite a few pics to sort through but i like this one from today

Robert V
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Posted: 14 Apr 2008


Ho hum, and there was us thinking that you had seen these in the wild!!!!! And then, what do you know, I was looking through some of my old facial records of Grassies and came across some recorded in a certain "wild life" centre not too far from Bournemouth. No wonder you couldn't log them as genuine species records eh guys?!

Anyway, good photos, but come on, when you can get them wild, that's when you'll be proper herpers lol  

Robs adders
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Posted: 14 Apr 2008

Hi Robert V


I will take your comments as a complement I have never visited any wild life centre. I take great pride in my images which are all of wild animals in the wild  I walk for miles and miles finding the best places to photograph them and can spend up to 9 -10 hors at a time just sitting still . I make a point of never catching touching or messing about with my subjects just recording them going about there lives causing as little disturbance as possible!!


Thank fully when I took the last set of picks I had 3 witnesses that have also taken some great shots all on the same day and I am sure they will have vouch for the authenticity of my images posted here.


Regards Rob


Robert V
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Posted: 14 Apr 2008


Whatever makes you happy guys, but scuse us for being sceptical, but it wasn't me that said at 1.47 pm "they were taken within an hour of each other" (by Tim) and then at 3.15 pm, all of a sudden Paul says "they were taken on different days"?

All I know is the snake in the lowest photo of yours Rob in your post of the 9th, is the same snake as Tims (13th) and is the same again as yours on page 2 (above). 

Now, it is USUAL for the same snakes to be at the same home range as I mention in my book, but, usually that range stretches over many acres and not over a small patch of stones. And if their behaviour is such that you can approach them and "poke them with a blade of grass" without them retreating to undergrowth, then all I can say is that the individual snakes concerned have become "human tolerant" which must have included, at some or other, close and extended contact with human beings. Thats all really,

cheers and happy hunting.


Paul Ford
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Posted: 14 Apr 2008

Hi Robert,

I can assure you that you are barking up the wrong tree - these are genuine photos

I think there are 4 grass snakes "living" in this spot which is why the same individuals keep getting photographed. Yesterday I only saw two different individuals at this spot but just before we left (and had stopped taking photos) I saw another returning to the same spot. Maybe they haven't dispersed yet due to the cold weather - I have no idea!?

I know that you are a respected expert (I've ordered your book!) and I'm slightly gutted that you don't believe us and if you like you are welcome to come down to the Mendips and I would be only too pleased to show you the spot myself (Saturday would be good for me).

Re the one Rob poked with a blade of grass, that was one of the two we saw at Priddy afterwards at about 5 pm - I think the snake was so "docile" because the sun had cooled/gone in and obviously the snake must have cooled down. If Rob posts this one up you will see that the terrain is different.

If this some kind of elaborate hoax why would 4 fully grown adults* (of which only 2 had previously met) try to pull the wool over people's eyes?

*admittedly I'm not necessarily classed as an adult by my wife but I am legally


Paul Ford
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Posted: 14 Apr 2008

PS I've just noticed that you reckon these are the same snakes that are somewhere in Bournemouth - If you can get hold of a photo of these you will find that they are most certainly not



Robert V
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Posted: 14 Apr 2008


Paul / Rob / Tim,

fair enough, I'm never someone to doubt anybody elses word on things. If you PM me the location, I'll pop down there when I finished my current project and hey, if its as good as you say it is (and unusual with regard to the area) I'll be only too pleased to back you all up on this forum. Hows that for an offer!


Robs adders
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Posted: 14 Apr 2008


Here is the pic of the snake i poked with a peace of grass to wake up i took several shots and then backed away and she /he just stayed put it was late in the day and the temp had droped quite a bit !

- first grass snake pics of 08

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